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Lake Johanna Boulevard <br />Trail Design Study <br />Preliminary Design Development Report 11 September 27, 2022 <br /> <br />Figure 8. Example of water quality basin incorporated with trail alignment <br /> <br />Trail Use Need <br />The roadway proximity to Tony Schmidt Regional Park, Lake Johanna, neighborhoods east and north of the lake, <br />and trail connections result in a high number of pedestrians and cyclists using the corridor. The existing roadway <br />does not include any dedicated space for pedestrians or cyclists who are forced to utilize the roadway shoulders as <br />a result. Comments from the public received as a part of the engagement process stressed that existing shoulders <br />are utilized by motorists to bypass turning traffic and are dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists as a result. <br />Utility Impact <br />Existing overhead power and communication lines generally run along the east side of the corridor between <br />County Road D and Lake Lane with some intermittent power poles on the west. Overhead lines run along the south <br />side of the corridor between Tony Schmidt Regional Park and Old Snelling Avenue. Fire Hydrants are located along <br />the east side of the corridor between Lake Lane and County Road D. The City of Arden Hills maintains sanitary <br />sewer lift stations in the northwest corner of County Road E and Lake Johanna Boulevard (west of Tony Schmidt <br />Regional Park) and the south side of the roadway near Siems Court. The trail alignment and grading in these areas <br />will need to accommodate access to the lift station. <br />A topographic survey will need to conducted as a part of detailed design to confirm precise locations of surface <br />and underground utilities and to determine the scope of utility relocation required for the project. <br />Vegetative Impacts <br />The corridor generally consists of residential lawns with mature trees set back from the roadway edge. The Tony <br />Schmidt Regional Park frontage includes both mowed turf areas with intermittent trees and natural wooded <br />wetland areas with dense tree and plant growth. Based on the field walk and design concepts, impacts to existing <br />trees in the corridor are not anticipated to be significant. The design concepts all include boulevard space between <br />the trail and roadway edge that could accommodate new trees or other landscaping if desired.