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Lake Johanna Boulevard <br />Trail Design Study <br />Preliminary Design Development Report 12 September 27, 2022 <br />A topographic survey will need to be conducted as a part of detailed design to confirm precise locations and sizes <br />of existing trees and to determine scope of impacts. Adjustments to the proposed trail alignment should be <br />considered where appropriate to avoid impacts to mature trees. <br />Parking Access Impacts <br />On-street parking occurs throughout the corridor with the greatest intensity of use located near Lake Johanna <br />Shores and Tony Schmidt Regional Park, including use by boaters when the boat launch parking area is at capacity. <br />The design concepts developed generally provide for parking along one side of the corridor, including parking <br />adjacent to Lake Johanna Shores. The north trail concept through Tony Schmidt Regional Park has potential for <br />greater separation from the roadway which could allow parking on both sides of Lake Johanna Boulevard in the <br />vicinity of the boat launch. <br />