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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – MARCH 13, 2023 2 <br /> <br />something he will be request going forward, but rather he would ask speakers to keep their <br />comments to three minutes and would manage this situation with the gavel. <br /> <br />Linda Swanson, 1124 Ingerson Road, explained there was a misunderstanding by some of the <br />citizens about the use of the term “the slate”. She reported at the last Council meeting a citizen <br />stood up saying that they found it offensive to call the new Councilmembers “the slate”. She <br />stated the phrase “the slate” originated from the new Councilmembers during their campaign. She <br />encouraged the public to visit their website where they ask residents to elect “the full slate” of <br />candidates and that the new candidates were running on a “slate” entitled Advance Arden Hills. <br />She stated Councilmember Monson states in her bio on the City’s webpage that Gregg Larson, <br />Emily Rousseau and Tom Fabel were running as a slate. She indicated she was surprised and <br />disappointed that the new Councilmembers did not remind the concerned citizens that they were <br />the ones that originated the term “slate”. <br /> <br />George Winiecki, 4175 Old Highway 10, explained he has lived on his property for the past 74 <br />years and has watched Arden Hills change over the years. He noted he was not at the January <br />Council meeting, but he had read through the minutes. He indicated at the February meeting he <br />listened to residents express displeasure against the Mayor and Councilmember Holden. He noted <br />he understood where the Mayor and Councilmember Holden stood on the TCAAP property, but <br />he did not know where the new Councilmembers stood on this property. He indicated he would be <br />calling each of the new Councilmembers in order to gather this information. He explained he did <br />not understand why TCAAP was an issue when the City and County signed a document for this <br />development, Ramsey County then sued the City and the City won. He questioned what the <br />problem was. He feared there was some hidden agenda behind this project because it was not <br />moving forward. He commented on how he was impacted by big government (MnDOT) when I- <br />694 was reconstructed. He encouraged the new City Councilmembers to not believe everything <br />Ramsey County was telling them, but rather they should be doing their due diligence on behalf of <br />the residents of Arden Hills. <br /> <br />Donna Wiemann, 1406 Arden View Drive, explained Arden Hills residents would be more <br />financially impacted by the TCAAP development compared to Ramsey County as a whole. She <br />noted Arden Hills residents will shoulder most of the front end costs and City staff will put in the <br />most hours for this project. She reported if TIF was used for this project this will also impact <br />Arden Hills residents. She commented on how Arden Hills residents will be impacted by the <br />traffic that is generated from this project. She asked that Arden Hills residents be involved in the <br />planning of this project because of the impact it will have on the community. She asked that the <br />new City Councilmembers remain transparent throughout the entire planning process. <br /> <br />Mary Henry, 3521 Ridgewood Court, reported she read the minutes from the last work session <br />and she supported the City holding open houses for the Rice Creek Commons development. In <br />addition, she suggested a survey be conducted by a consultant of all Arden Hills residents. She <br />feared that not enough residents would attend the open house meetings and the survey would <br />provide the City Council with greater information. <br /> <br />Kathy Sukke, 1286 Karth Lake Circle, explained she has lived in Arden Hills for the past 37 <br />years. She thanked Mayor Grant for chairing this meeting in a professional manner. She indicated <br />she was very disturbed by the last Council meeting. She indicated the February 13 Council