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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – MARCH 13, 2023 3 <br /> <br />meeting was chaired by Mayor Pro Tem Emily Rousseau and it was disorderly and fraught with <br />confusion. She questioned why Mayor Pro Tem Rousseau found it necessary to call in the Ramsey <br />County Sheriff’s Office to manage the public inquiries portion of the meeting, when that was her <br />job as the Mayor Pro Tem. She indicated critics of the slate received less time and those for the <br />slate’s agenda received more time. She assumed Mayor Pro Tem Rousseau signaled the officer <br />from her chair with the time. She anticipated if Mayor Pro Tem Rousseau was able to signal an <br />officer, she would be able to use the gavel. She explained she has never seen a fully uniformed <br />officer attending a City Council meeting in order to assist with public inquiries. She anticipated <br />the officer that attended this meeting had more pressing matters in the community they could have <br />been dealing with than to do Mayor Pro Tem Rousseau’s bidding. She asked that the new <br />Councilmembers brush up on their civics, and she provided the new Councilmembers with a copy <br />of the Constitution. She reminded the new Councilmembers that law abiding residents have the <br />right to exercise their first amendment right. She then read the first amendment from the <br />Constitution. <br /> <br />3. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC INQUIRIES <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />4. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS <br /> <br />A. Twin Cities Chamber North Updates <br /> <br />John Connelly, President of Twin Cities North Chamber of Commerce, introduced himself to the <br />Council and thanked them for their time. He explained the vision for the Chamber was to promote <br />business, develop leaders and connect communities. He noted the Chamber currently had just over <br />300 members from seven different cities. He reported the Chamber had a healthy fund balance <br />with five months reserves and no debt. He encouraged the Council to consider attending an <br />upcoming program or event. He commented on the makeup of the nine member Chamber Board. <br />He then discussed the new initiatives the Chamber was pursuing which included the <br />manufacturing cohort. He commented on the Chamber opportunities noting he enjoyed <br />participating in grand openings, engaging in new initiatives, bringing important items to <br />businesses, and sharing vital news with the community. He thanked Arden Hills for being an <br />inviting City for the community and its businesses. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden encouraged the Chamber to plan an event to celebrate the reopening of <br />Lexington Avenue. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant reported the City received $3,500 from Twin Cities Gateway Visitor Bureau and <br />noted these funds were used to assist with a marketing campaign for Lexington Avenue. <br /> <br />Mr. Connelly explained the Chamber was planning to celebrate this event and to encourage the <br />public to come back to this corridor. <br /> <br />5. STAFF COMMENTS <br /> <br />A. TCAAP/Rice Creek Commons Update