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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — APRIL 24, 2023 4 <br />Mayor Grant asked if PTRC had volunteers come to help, would their hours be counted and at <br />what rate? <br />Mr. Rexine said that was correct and it was usually at about $25.00 an hour. <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked if it could get added to tonight's meeting for approval. <br />Mayor Grant replied that they won't be having four -person work sessions going forward, this <br />was a special meeting so it could come forward to the Council on May 8. Councilmember Holden <br />will have to come up to speed on her own. <br />Councilmember Fabel asked if the grant application was park specific or could they ask for the <br />money and decide where to use it later. <br />Mr. Rexine said he does have to submit a parcel list with the grant application. <br />Mayor Grant clarified that they would submit a parcel number for a park, a management plan for <br />five years, and a match amount would be specified. In subsequent years we could submit for <br />further grants for further parks. <br />Mr. Rexine said that was correct. <br />Mayor Grant said they would have to ask PTRC if they would be willing to be part of the crew. <br />He felt Council should choose which park and which budget. <br />Councilmember Monson would like to know what park PTRC recommends. <br />Mayor Grant asked what level of work Great River Greening could take on for the city. <br />Mr. Rexine said they could do it all, but would also want to work with City staff. He would <br />phase it for better success rather than take on all the parks at once. He though Floral or Hazelnut <br />would be good starting points because they've already had some work done. Chatham has a lot of <br />density, and for Perry Park he would want the County on board to work on their land adjacent to <br />the park. That could be a joint proposal between Ramsey County and the City. <br />Mr. Kelliher noted there are other funding sources such as the Minnesota Department of <br />Agriculture and the Arden Hills Foundation with a possible fundraiser. <br />Mayor Grant said the Foundation has been used as a funding source. People could give to the <br />Foundation and the Foundation could give the money to the City to use as part of the match. <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked for clarification that if they put this on the May 8 agenda the <br />Council would authorize moving forward with GRG and the PTRC would provide a <br />recommendation of which parks to start with and a grant request amount. <br />Mayor Grant added it should be stipulated as a 25% match. Council would weigh in on how <br />many phases and how many parks to do. PTRC can make a recommendation and Council would <br />look at funding. <br />
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