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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — MAY 8, 2023 7 <br />10. NEW BUSINESS <br />B. Campus Commercial Use Discussion <br />City Administrator Perrault stated Ramsey County recently issued a Request for Development <br />Interest on the Thumb Property on TCAAP. This site is currently zoned and guided as Campus <br />Commercial. Under the zoning code, Campus Commercial is described below: <br />The Campus Commercial Zoning District facilitates a building format that allows <br />multiple, single tenant buildings or campuses within the northern "Thumb " site of the <br />Plan Area. The goal is to allow for an individual plan approach for each campus or <br />building, based on user preferences within a range of requirements. <br />City Administrator Perrault reported examples of currently allowed uses on the site are office, <br />financial institution, and research and development facilities. The Joint Development Authority <br />recently met and was supportive of expanding the allowed uses in the Campus Commercial <br />zoning to open the possibility of additional interest. If Council is supportive, Staff would discuss <br />additional uses on the site and make a recommendation to the Planning Commission for further <br />consideration by the City Council. <br />Councilmember Monson stated the JDA approved the Request for Interest (RFI) on the thumb <br />property in April. Once this was approved, the JDA wanted the Council to talk about expanding <br />the potential uses on the thumb. She noted a lot has happened since this property was zoned <br />Campus Commercial years ago. She stated the market conditions have changed for office space <br />which was the reason for asking the City to reconsider the zoning for this property in order to <br />maximize the value and expand the allowed uses of the property. She requested this item be sent <br />to the Planning Commission in order to have them consider additional potential uses within the <br />Campus Commercial zoning district. <br />Councilmember Holden reported she believed Director Collins stated it best at the JDA meeting <br />that this was not a good idea. She feared that in a rush to do this so fast, there were now <br />complications by opening this up and changing who could bid now. She indicated the City could <br />be missing out on a great opportunity the way it stands now. She stated if a change was made, she <br />wanted it to be done responsibly. She did not want Alatus or Costco to get the project just because <br />a change was being made after the fact. She stated this was the warning from Director Collins. <br />She understood there were a lot of businesses interested in this property and she did not believe <br />now was the right time pull the tablecloth out but rather the direction of staff should be followed. <br />She suggested if no acceptable bids are received, the City could then reconsider what the zoning <br />and uses should be for this property and issue the RFI again at that time. <br />Councilmember Monson commented Director Collins was concerned about this discussion and <br />that the City would have a preference as to who would go there. She indicated the JDA was not <br />trying to determine this, but rather was trying to open up the property to get the best project <br />possible. In order to best expand the pool of candidates, she supported this being further <br />discussed. She reported the JDA does not have anybody in mind for this property. Rather, the <br />office climate has changed and perhaps the Council could consider expanding the uses for this <br />property. <br />