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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — MAY 8, 2023 <br />N. <br />Councilmember Rousseau requested comment from staff. <br />City Administrator Perrault reported at the May 1 JDA worksession meeting, Director Collins <br />did have concerns about limiting the use on this property or messaging or signaling there was one <br />bidder in mind. He indicated the JDA Advisory Committee met on Thursday, May 4 and had a <br />discussion. At that point, Director Collins indicated she supported expanding the uses in the <br />Campus Commercial district. This was followed up with an e-mail from Director Collins to the <br />City. <br />Councilmember Fabel read an email he received from Director Collins from Ramsey County to <br />clear up any misunderstanding. He explained the County fully supports the City's review of land <br />uses for the thumb parcel, and any other TCAAP parcel that will help to realize market potential <br />and promote the creation of jobs and economic development. He reported the initial intent for this <br />parcel was for a corporate campus, when defined six or seven years ago. However, there has been <br />dramatic changes to office climate since COVID. He commented in the past four years of <br />inactivity interest rates have sky rocketed along with inflation. He explained Ramsey County was <br />not in the same financial position that they were four or five years ago and could not fund the <br />spine road and mass grading. He reported until Ramsey County was in a position to begin funding <br />these items, the project would continue to languish. He indicated the sale of the thumb property <br />would assist in raising much needed capital. He noted the sale would be consistent with the vision <br />for the TCAAP property. He discussed how the Rice Creek Commons development was to create <br />economic prosperity, build an inclusive economy, have a long range sustainable development and <br />develop an energy forward community by providing much needed housing at a variety of income <br />levels, including affordable housing and creating well paying jobs. He asked that the Planning <br />Commission be allowed to identify uses that would be allowed under the existing City Code in <br />order to maximize the opportunity to have that property sold in order to move TCAAP forward. <br />Mayor Grant stated he understood interest rates have changed, along with the office climate. He <br />discussed how the thumb parcel was set aside for jobs and prosperity. He was of the opinion the <br />uses for this property should have been adjusted prior to the County sending out an RFI. He <br />questioned if the County was worried about not receiving proposals for the site. He believed the <br />County was correct when Director Collins expressed her concern. He supported the development <br />community going through the RFI process but questioned why the JDA was trying to change the <br />rules after the game had started. He understood the City wanted to get the highest and best use for <br />this property. He indicated this parcel was in a prime location because it was directly off I-35W <br />and was near I-694. He supported the RFI staying the course. <br />Councilmember Holden agreed with Councilmember Monson that the idea was to get as much <br />out of this parcel as possible. However, she did not believe now was the right time to rethink the <br />uses for this property, given the fact it was right in the middle of an RFI. She indicated Ramsey <br />County had an opportunity to not give up the State money and phasing that was discussed for this <br />project. She understood Costco and Alatus are interested in this parcel. She feared how it would <br />look if the City were to suddenly change the use. She supported the City waiting until July 28 to <br />see how many RFI's come in. After this time, the City could change the uses properly and <br />responsibly instead of this mad rush. She fears this could open things up to other complications. <br />