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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — MAY 8, 2023 9 <br />Councilmember Monson stated she believed the action being requested was pro -development. <br />She indicated she was pro -development, noting she wanted the best and highest use on the thumb <br />property. She did not believe looking at other uses would preclude anyone else from bidding. She <br />stated the process may have not been perfect, but she did not believe an imperfect process was not <br />enough to be anti -development. She supported the City showing that it was open for business. <br />Councilmember Rousseau indicated she has heard both sides of this matter. She explained an <br />option would be to send this to the Planning Commission for further consideration which would <br />push this matter out to June. She anticipated if the Council requested the Planning Commission <br />review this matter, the item would not be back before the Council until July some time, which <br />would align well with the July 28 date. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned if the JDA would accept bids and then take more bids if a <br />change was made to the Campus Commercial district. <br />Councilmember Rousseau explained she was simply stating she would like the Planning <br />Commission to consider this matter. <br />Mayor Grant commented this was not like selling a house. He reported developers look for <br />tenants and businesses to build on a site and proposals are built on this information. He indicated <br />developers were given 90 days to complete this work in order to complete a comprehensive <br />proposal. He stated the County and JDA opted to send out the RFI. He noted the City was open <br />for business and the property was zoned. He reported the City was actively encouraging <br />businesses to submit proposals for the thumb property in order to bring the highest and best use to <br />this site with great jobs that brings prosperity to the area. He did not believe it was fair to change <br />the process while developers were in the middle of their plans. He was of the opinion Director <br />Collins was spot on with her initial assessment. He supported the City staying the course. He <br />recommended the City review the proposals on July 28 and either accept one or consider a new <br />course at that time. <br />Councilmember Fabel stated he was not asking the Planning Commission to come back with an <br />amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Rather, he was asking for clarifying language in order to <br />remove a discouragement from what otherwise might be an available use for the property that <br />would be consistent with the overall vision for the TCAAP development and would move the <br />project forward at a more rapid pace. He wanted to see this project start moving. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned why the solicitation wasn't canceled in order to do the <br />process right. She stated this would make sure the process was clear, honest and transparent going <br />forward. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Monson moved and Councilmember Rousseau seconded a <br />motion to direct staff to discuss clarification of the Campus Commercial <br />zoning district and potential additional uses and make a recommendation to <br />the Planning Commission for further discussion by the City Council. <br />Mayor Grant stated there has been some discussion about interpretation of what was already <br />there. He requested comment from staff on what was being meant by this. <br />