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<br /> Arden Hills,MN • 55112-5734
<br /> ICounty and Vikings prefer Arden Hills
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<br /> Plans for former Holiday Inn Postal Customer The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents June 2011
<br /> Fox Ridge project Ramsey County and Minnesota Vikings favor Arden Hills stadium site
<br /> Well-sealing assistance available amsey County and the Vikings proposes commercial attractions,such as other on-site infrastructure
<br /> dwant to build a new stadium in restaurants,retail,a hotel,and a movie would cost an estimated
<br /> e City purchases Hazelnut Park property RArden Hills.The State Legislature theater.The Vikings corporate headquar- $1.06 billion to build.
<br /> adjourned May 23 without voting on a ters and training facilities also might be Under the County/Vikings proposal,the
<br /> stadium bill.The proposal is to build a moved to the site. Vikings would pay$407 million—that's
<br /> retractable roof public stadium surrounded 39 percent.Ramsey County would pay
<br /> by private commercial development on The TCAAP site requires environmental $350 million—a third of the cost.The
<br /> 430 acres along the western edge of the remediation.If no residential construction County's portion would be funded by a
<br /> former Twin Cities Army Ammunition is included in the stadium proposal,the county-wide 0.5 percent sales tax increase
<br /> Plant(TCAAP)property.The County, site would be remediated to a less costly (fifty cents on a$100 purchase). County
<br /> Notes from the City Council State,and the Vikings would pay for the commercial/industrial standard. sales tax increases generally require a vot-
<br /> $1 billion stadium.If approved by the er referendum.But as was done for Target
<br /> s I write this letter the state leg- Since the City portion of your property tax lost a job.It could be a cashier,sales per- State,the City may not have the authority Improvements to I-35W,I-694,U.S.High- Field,the State Legislature can circumvent
<br /> islature has adjourned its regular is calculated by dividing the levy by the son,accountant,or it could the person next to stop the stadium.The City of Min- way 10,and possibly other roads will be a referendum.The State would pay$300
<br /> session and will head to a special total property value in the city,less com- door.However,the results are the same, neapolis has made an alternate proposal needed to accommodate traffic generated million—28 percent—via sales taxes on
<br /> session.This article will not reach you for mercial property value ends up shifting a job lost,a family impacted,and further to replace the Metrodome with a new by the stadium or any other development certain items and lottery proceeds.
<br /> another month.There will no doubt be more of the tax burden to residential prop- impact on businesses.Unemployment stadium. on the TCAAP site.Currently,approxi-
<br /> considerable news coverage of how to bal- erty.Arden Hills'overall levy increase last remains at historically high levels. mately 200,000 vehicles travel through the The State also is asked to pay for all
<br /> ance the state budget and of funding for a year was only 0.81%.However,the over- Proposal details 1-694 and 1-35 W interchange each week- continued on page 2
<br /> Vikings Stadium.I wonder if a decision on all increase to residential property taxes So you might be thinking,I see the"For Officials from the County and Vikings day,including approximately
<br /> the budget will be reached by the time this was higher,due in part to lower values in Lease"signs,but what can I do?I would announced their partnership May 10.They 20,000 during the peak rush Proposed Stadium Site Plan
<br /> letter reaches you,or if we will be facing commercial property compared to residen- encourage you to support your local are proposing a 1.6 million square foot hour.A Vikings game would
<br /> a partial shutdown of state services during tial property. businesses.For example,if you are going multi-purpose stadium with up to 65,000 bring approximately 21,000
<br /> such a rough economy for so many. up north,gas up and buy your groceries seats and up to 150 suites. Construction is additional vehicles(42,000
<br /> i
<br /> Of course,other items figure into prop- locally before you go.If you are thinking expected to take three years.The Vikings trips)to Arden Hills.Whereas,
<br /> Rather than speculate on the outcome erty taxes,and the information above is of going out to eat choose a local restau- have agreed to a 30-year lease and would when completed the 2009
<br /> of the legislative session or a stadium,I only one aspect of property taxes,but it rant. Simply think of ways to support local operate the stadium. In addition to the plan for a mixed use develop- y i
<br /> would like to turn to something else fac- is currently the largest item impacting businesses.If everyone does a little bit,it Vikings,the stadium might be used ment on the TCAAP property
<br /> ing our city;namely the number of"For cities across the state.The economy has can mean a lot. by other sports teams and for special would have added 50,000
<br /> Lease"and"For Rent"signs appearing on been hit hard over the last few years.As events. Similar to the Metrodome,a trips per weekday.Traffic for .
<br /> commercial property.You might be think- the economy improves,hopefully the shift public commission would oversee the the ten Vikings games each
<br /> ing,what has that to do with homeowners? will swing the value of the City's com- new stadium. Construction is expected to season would mostly occur
<br /> In short,quit a bit.Let me explain. mercial and residential property back to a generate 7,500 full-and part-time jobs, outside of peak rush hour f�
<br /> more equal balance. and once the stadium opens it would times,whereas an alternative
<br /> The City currently collects a property tax support approximately 3,400 jobs. mixed-use TCAAP develop-
<br /> levy of just over$3 million annually.The The"For Lease"signs are also more often David Grant,Mayor ment scenario likely would
<br /> amount of our City levy is spread over the than not an indication that someone has The stadium would be surrounded by other add to rush hour traffic.The
<br /> overall value of property in our City.The amenities.With approximately 21,000 Metropolitan Council typi-
<br /> value of each individual property is deter- Celebrating Arden Hills is September 17 parking spaces,there would be opportu- cally would review and make
<br /> mined by the Ramsey County assessor's ark your calendars.On Saturday,September 17,from 3 p.m. nities for tailgating.The County would recommendations on the road
<br /> office. Commercial property in Minnesota purchase all available 430 acres and would plans,but special State legisla- :
<br /> that is not occupied is assessed at a lower to dusk,the City will hold its fall festival at Tony SchmidtRegional Park on the shore of Lake Johanna.Enjoy the food, sell the portion not used for the stadium tion is proposed to bypass that
<br /> value than if it were occupied property. development to the Vikings.On the ap- review.
<br /> Residential property however,does not youth activities,music,art,games,fireworks,and more.Watch the proximately 170 acres not used for the VI
<br /> City website and this newsletter for more information as it becomes
<br /> change in value based whether occupied stadium development site(which is subject Costs
<br /> or unoccupied. available. to City zoning and approval),the team The stadium,parking,and
<br />