Arden Hills Service Directory News from around the town Benchmarks: a review of recent City Council action
<br /> 1245 West Highway 96 Adopted Resolution 2011-021 for the Approved Planning Case 11-006 for
<br /> Arden Hills, AN 55112-5734 Holiday Inn site considered for senior housing April 11, 2011 Special Assessment Roll for the 2011 a Preliminary Plat at 4500 Snelling
<br /> elect Senior Living has come to both the City Council and the Planning Com-mission seeking feedback on a redevelopment idea for the former Holiday Inn Authorized purchase of a used dump Pavement Management Program(5-0) Avenue North to subdivide the parcel
<br /> •
<br /> Summer Office Hours building on County Road E just west of Lexington Avenue.They are proposing truck with plow/wing/sander,from Adopted Resolution 2011-022 and into 39 Lots(3-2)(Tamble,Werner)
<br /> 7:30 5 p.m. p
<br /> Townmaster Truck Equipment for awarded bid for the 2011 Pavement
<br /> to repurpose the site as a mixed-use senior living building,including apartments for
<br /> Monday through Thursday a total cost not to exceed$155,000 Management Program to Asphalt May 9, 2011
<br /> 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. independent living,assisted living,and memory care. 5-0 g g p
<br /> ( ) Surface Technologies Corporation in Adopted Resolution 2011-014 recog-
<br /> Friday Authorized purchase of a Skid Steer the amount of$1,056,477 5-0 nizing May 15-21,2011,as National
<br /> The attached restaurant portion of the building exceeds the space needed for senior P ( )
<br /> housing,and Select Senior Living is looking at alternative uses for that space,including and attachments from Tri-State Bob- Public Works Week(5-0)
<br /> 651-792-7800 g g g p g Approved Purchase Agreement
<br /> a community restaurant and office or retail space. cat for a cost not to exceed$54,516 $214,422 plus legal and closing Adopted resolution on transportation
<br /> ( p g g
<br /> including the trade-in of 1993 Skid costs Joint Use Agreement and Main- funding in support of the Regional
<br /> Sheriff and Fire Emergency ) g
<br /> It is exploring using the existing pool area for physical therapy/rehabilitation/rehabilitation for not Streer with snowblower.Also au- Council of Mayors in efforts to raise
<br /> 911 p g g g p p Y pY tenance Agreement for the Hazelnut Y
<br /> onlythe residents of the senior facility,but perhaps open to the public as well. thorized the purchase of a used 68" economic competitiveness,accelerate
<br /> Sheriff(non-emergency) �' p p p p Park Acquisition(See story on page P
<br /> angle broom from the City of Falcon 5 5 0 innovation and improve the quality of
<br /> 651-484-3366 Heights for a cost of$2 000 5 0 )( - )
<br /> The owner of this site,TAT Properties,is proposing to subdivide the property—Select g ( - ) life in the MSP region(5-0)
<br /> Fire(non-emergency) Approved Planning Case 11-055 for
<br /> Senior Living would purchase the western 5.38 acres that includes the existing building, Authorized purchase of eight Park- a Preliminary and Final Plat,and Approved Sup-
<br /> Water p g A roved renewal of Letter of Su -
<br /> and the remaining 2 acres to the east would become a separate property available for shore Contemporary style ark
<br /> Water and Sewer Problems p D' �' p Master and Final PUD to subdivide port for Arden Village Tax Credit
<br /> (Duringnon-business hours development.Easements on the western property would provide vehicle access to the benches in the amount of$4,821 from Application b Sand Companies,Inc.
<br /> ) eastern roe the Property at 3245 New Brighton PP � Y P
<br /> 651-484-3366 property.m' Kirby Built Quality Products(5-0) Road into two Parcels(Hazelnut Park (4-1 Holden)
<br /> Mayor: This site is part of the City's B2"downtown District.The Guiding Plan for the B2 Authorized agreement to hire Good- addition) (5-0) Instructed Staff to draft letter to Sand
<br /> David Grant 651-538-0747 pointe Technology to rate condition Companies,Inc. indicating that the
<br /> District does call for higher-density housing in the area,but did not specifically envision Approved Planning Case 11-006 for P g
<br /> Councilmembers: of City streets,trails,and parking lots City reserves its right to withold sup-
<br /> Brenda assisted senior housing.However,given that the building itself is sound,repurposing it a Comprehensive Plan Amendment h' g Holden 651-636-2987 for up to$10,910(5-0) port during future funding cycles 4 1
<br /> Fran Holmes 651-631-1866 makes sense,and the need for additional senior housing is anticipated. Both the City adding Very Low Density Residential p g g Y ( -
<br /> Council and the Planning Commission indicated that they are open to considering this as a land use classification in the 2030 Holmes)
<br /> Nick Tamble 612-819-7995 development plan. Aril 25 2011 Comprehensive Plan and re-guided Approved amending Section 5.0
<br /> Ed Werner 651-636-2546 p , pp g
<br /> • Adopted Resolution 2011-020 accept- the property at 4500 Snelling Avenue Subd A.2 of the Arden Village Devel-
<br /> City Administrator: StadlUm continued from page 1 ing a Metropolitan Council Environ- North as Very Low Density(See Fox opment to extend the Building Permit
<br /> Patrick Klaers 651-792-7810 4Vmental Services Municipal Inflow and Ridge story on page 4) (5-0) Deadline for one year to June 30,
<br /> needed off-site road improvements which are estimated at$131 million. Infiltration Grant.Estimated amount 2012(5-0)
<br /> Communications Committee: of$95,407 for 2010 expenses and
<br /> (
<br /> expenses The County and Vikings would pay for any construction cost overruns.The County, $335,083 for 2011 ex 5-0
<br /> Arlene Mitchell,editor;Kristine p )purchase of a one-ton Local y d th iz th Goodrich;Brenda Holden;Lois Rem ore e pu Ll variance authority reinstated
<br /> Council Liaison: Nick Tamble dump truck from Midway Ford and
<br /> Vikings,and other users would fund the operational and maintenance costs.The Vikings Au
<br /> would pay for police,fire,medical,and other municipal services. On May 5,2011,the legislature passed reviewing variance requests. In July of
<br /> Staff Liaison: Becky Brazys have Truck Utilities outfit it with lift a law reinstating city and county 2010 the Minnesota Supreme Court re-in-
<br /> Desktop Publisher: Mary Nosek
<br /> City's response box and plow($67,000);trade in authority to grant variances and increasing terpreted the state statutes in their decision
<br /> The Arden Hills City Council has not taken an official position on a stadium.In Febru- 2000 Ford one-ton pick-up(estimated city and county statute consistency. for Krummenacher v. City of Minnetonka.
<br /> Council meetings are held at City Hall ary,the Council directed City staff to work with the County to research the effects of a ) ( ) The decision outlined much stricter
<br /> stadium.The City is staying informed,but as of May 23,the Council hadn't taken any value$5,000 5-0 A zoning variance is an exception to land criteria for granting variances and limited
<br /> on the second and last Monday of the other formal action regarding the stadium.The Council has taken a position that devel- Approved Letter of Support for use regulations allowing the alteration of a cities'discretionary authority. Municipali-
<br /> month at 7 p.m.Meetings are televised o ment on TCAAP must be cost-beneficial or cost-neutral for the existing taxpayers. House File 118 for improvements to
<br /> live on Cable Channel 16.Meetings of p gP property which would otherwise result in ties have not been granting variances since
<br /> I-694 including reconstruction of the a violation of the zoning code. A variance the decision took place last summer.
<br /> the Planning Commission are televised If the Governor,Legislature,Ramsey County,and the Minnesota Vikings all approve Rice Street interchange and the addi- may be required because the alteration it-
<br /> at 6:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday and sign off on legislation that states Arden Hills is where a stadium should be built,it tion of a third lane from Rice Street self would not conform to the zoning code, The bill(Chapter 19)was introduced by
<br /> after the first Monday of the month. will be challenging to stop the project's momentum. The State grants municipalities the to Lexington Avenue and authorize or the existing property does not conform the League of Minnesota Cities to respond
<br /> Playbacks of City meetings begin the authority to review development proposals to determine whether they are consistent with Staff to seek Letters of Support from to the zoning code. Applicants must dem- to the Supreme Court's decision. The bill
<br /> morning after the meeting and continue the City's Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. If proposals are not inconsistent Arden Hills employers (3-2 Holden, onstrate that their requests meet specific amends the statutes by clarifying the crite-
<br /> every day until the next City meeting. with the Comprehensive Plan,the State grants municipalities the authority to either deny Holmes) criteria in order to receive approval. In ria that cities consider in reviewing a vari-
<br /> Playbacks are at 3 a.m., 11 a.m.,and the projects or amend the Zoning Ordinance and/or Comprehensive Plan. Because the Arden Hills applicants must resent their ance request. These changes will allow
<br /> 7 p.m.Monday through Friday,and 7 Award the Indian Oaks Court Pond pp p q g
<br /> City's authority comes from the State,the State may,in certain circumstances,curtail or cases to the Planning Commission which cities to grant variances again,but under
<br /> a.m.,2 p.m.,and 10 p.m.on Saturday Shoreline Restoration and Landscap-
<br /> and Sunday.For web casts,visit eliminate local authority. For example,although Target Field is located in Minneapolis, ing Project to Natural Shore Technol- reviews the application and makes a rec- more narrowly-defined circumstances.
<br /> nd Sunday.
<br /> Fo. the Minneapolis City Council did not vote to approve the project. The special legislation ogies, the amount of$14,037 ommendation to the City Council which
<br /> that was passed for Target Field eliminated Minneapolis'authority to approve or deny (5_0) has final granting authority. If you had projects postponed due to the
<br /> the project. The stadium legislation introduced limits local(City)land use authority. City's inability to grant variances,it may
<br /> Arden Hills Notes is the official news- Adopted up to an additional$6,000
<br /> letter of the City of Arden Hills,an for legislative consulting services A 1989 Court of Appeals interpretation now be possible to proceed with your
<br /> Additional information is posted on the City and County websites. g g gave cities a fair amount of flexibility in request. Contact City Planner,Meagan
<br /> equal-opportunity employer. related to the stadium bill from Hill
<br /> Beekman,at 651-792-7800 for details.
<br /> 2 Capital Strategies,Inc.(4-1 Tamble) 3
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