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<br /> n Arden Hills parks are for adults, too! ,J06:
<br /> S Walking/biking trails considered for The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents July 2010
<br /> Highway5l POSTAL CUSTOMER
<br /> t Arden Hills parks and trails aren't just for kids!
<br /> dWorkforce housing his summer,Arden Hills' 14 parks area,trails,and picnic areas.Tony Schmidt Heights Lutheran Church
<br /> are filled with children learning ba- Regional Park will be one of two venues near the intersection of
<br /> e Tsic soccer skills,swinging at a soft- for this year's Celebrating Arden Hills Highway 10 and County p
<br /> ball,climbing on playground equipment, activities on September 18. Road 96 and head east.The
<br /> or enjoying summer day camp activities. distance to Lexington Av-
<br /> Leagues are in high gear for kids.The MILES OF TRAILS AWAIT WALKERS enue is 1.14 miles.But the
<br /> Notes from the City Council about the future of the Arden Hills Library Recreation Guide published three times Along with 14 parks,the City has con- resident may decide to then
<br /> each year lists pages of sports,crafts,and structed and maintains almost 14 miles head south on Lexington to
<br /> Rcesidents of Arden Hills are dedi- order to help fund the library,Arden Hills Arden Hills is hoping a similar partnership adventure opportunities for kids. of trails,inviting residents to walk or jog Cummings Park Drive(.62
<br /> ated library users and love their Public Works has been maintaining the could work to keep the library here. all areas of Arden Hills.For many years, miles),then turn west and
<br /> ocal library. This pride in the Ar- current site by cutting the grass and plow- PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS ARE AVAILABLE,TOO the parks and trails were built and main- go through Cummings Park to Hamline
<br /> den Hills library goes back to 1969 when ing the parking lot. It appears that Ramsey County is making Michelle Olson,Manager of Parks and tained using fees that developers paid to Avenue,crossing Hamline toward Floral
<br /> the City of Arden Hills gave to Ramsey the decision to close the Arden Hills li- Recreation for Arden Hills,wants to the City as vacant areas were developed. Park,then go north through the Briarknoll
<br /> County the land where the current library Despite all our efforts,it appears that the brary based on several criteria. First of all, remind all adults in the City that the parks, With the maturity of the City,these"park and Colleen Avenue neighborhoods until
<br /> stands. Once residents learned our library Arden Hills library has a limited life at due to the economy,funding is tight and trails,and recreation programs also pres- dedication fees"are no longer sufficient to the path again runs into County Road 96.
<br /> was again being considered for closure, its current site. The residents of Arden the library needs to implement cost-cutting ent exciting opportunities cover the costs of the parks and trails.But Turning west again,in another half mile,
<br /> they became understandably concerned. Hills know that the library is a Ramsey measures. Secondly,Ramsey County has for those residents who according to Michelle Olson,the City staff the resident will be back at North Heights
<br /> I am using this monthly letter to describe County facility,and the County makes done its cost/benefit analysis,and believes are past their teen years. and the Parks,Trails,and Recreation Com- Church. A short walk turned into a vigor-
<br /> the pro-active efforts the Arden Hills City the decisions concerning library locations upgrading/maintaining the library at its Defensive driving classes, mittee members have become quite bold ous workout.
<br /> Council and staff are taking to keep the li- and funding. Even though it appears that current site is not warranted given budget r16ft foot care clinics,golf les- about pursuing grants from the county,
<br /> brary in Arden Hills and at the current site. Ramsey County has decided it is not going constraints and available options. Others sons,day and extended state,and federal government.In fact, On the opposite end of the City,the Elmer
<br /> to maintain the library at its current loca- may disagree,but this is a Ramsey County trips are some of the many Michelle adds,"the Elmer L.Andersen L.Andersen Memorial Trail starts at the
<br /> In the past year,representatives from tion,Arden Hills is doing everything we decision. Finally,the Library Board is programs aimed at adults. Memorial Trail Connections project will southwest corner of Arden Hills,pro-
<br /> Arden Hills have met on a number of can to keep the library in our community. attempting to locate libraries in high traf- Three of the City's parks have fields for be completed this summer using city,state, ceeds northeast,past Tony Schmidt Park,
<br /> occasions with Library Director Susan fic areas with adjacent facilities to draw adult softball or baseball.Four parks have and federal funds." towards Perry Park,hitting County Road
<br /> Nemitz,the Library Board,the Arden Arden Hills is facilitating discussions with people to the library. tennis courts and ten have basketball court E2,with various options along the way.
<br /> Hills Library Task Force,and the Ramsey Presbyterian Homes and Ramsey County. areas. In winter,three parks have hockey USE THE WEB TO PLAN YOUR NEXT HIKE Residents can combine that walk with a
<br /> County Commissioners to discuss options Presbyterian Homes plans to build a new Since plans for the Arden Hills library are rinks and four have recreational skating Michelle's staff and summer interns jog around the Chatham loop for a great
<br /> and alternatives to keep the library at the facility on its Arden Hills campus and is still under discussion,residents may want rinks. Sure,kids use these facilities,but are finalizing maps and data about the workout.
<br /> current site. I have personally toured the interested in partnering with the library. to contact Tony Bennett,Ramsey County Michelle sees many adults hitting the parks and trails that will be available on
<br /> library with Ramsey County Maintenance Presbyterian Homes currently is partner- Commissioner for our area,and Jan Parker, basketball courts or skating rinks.In sum- the City's website to assist residents in Michelle invites all residents to experi-
<br /> Department personnel to understand the ing with a branch library in Woodbury; Ramsey County Commissioner to the mer,Arden Hills parks host several adult making recreational choices.All trail ment with the new web tools,visit all of
<br /> structural problems at the current site. In an arrangement that is working very well. Library Board. The County Commission- softball leagues. segments are being measured and a map the City's parks this summer,and provide
<br /> ers make the final decision about the Arden with distances will be on the website so a feedback to her and the Parks,Trails,and
<br /> Workforce housing, continued from page 2 Hills library. Also feel free to contact me Arden Hills is also home to Ramsey resident can map a short walk or prepare Recreation Committee which meets the
<br /> Planning for the project has been under- continued and on March 8,2010,the City or any member of the City Council. County's Tony Schmidt Regional Park for a lengthy hike around the City.For third Tuesday of each month.
<br /> way for months. Sand Companies first Council approved Sand Companies'land with its swimming beach,boat launch example,a resident can start out at North
<br /> proposed this project to the City Council use plans for this site. Sand Companies is Enjoy your summer,and keep reading!
<br /> in August 2009.In September the City anxious to begin construction as soon as Public Hearing about improvements to I 694
<br /> Council issued a letter of support to ac- housing tax credits are awarded. ��
<br /> company Sand Com anies'first housing
<br /> P y P g Monday,August 9;2010; p.m
<br /> tax credit application,which was for the -� Fran Holmes Arden Hills City Council Chambe
<br /> January 2010 awards;this project was not Arden Hills City Council
<br /> chosen to receive tax credits in that round, a,Ic:.Iufoxmation and o portunity for comment on the plan to rebuild nine bridges and make improvements
<br /> but was encouraged to apply for the fall to 1-694 between Victoria Street and Highway 10
<br /> ...r.
<br /> 2010 round.In the meantime,planning ` -
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