Arden HMIs Service Directory News from Around the Town Benchmarks: a review of recent City Council action It'
<br /> 1245 West Highway 96
<br /> Arden Hills, MN 55112-5734 � May 24, 2010 June 14, 2010
<br /> City seeks pedestrian improvements on Highway 51 (Holmes and McClung excused) (Holmes excused) Appointed Joe Mooney to the position
<br /> • Approved payment#2 for the Elmer Adopted Resolution 2010-032 amend- of Public Works Superintendent(3-1
<br /> Summer Office Hours pp p � p
<br /> The City wants biking/walking lanes needed to tie the City together,create a L.Andersen Memorial Trail Connec- ing Resolution 2009-026 to formally McClung)
<br /> 7:30 5 p.m., Ton Highway 51 included in the state's comprehensive system of parks and trails,
<br /> Monday-through Thursday tion project(3-0) include the Tier II Comprehensive
<br /> I-694 improvements. improve safety,and enhance the feeling of Sewer plan in the 2030 Comprehen- Authorized staff to proceed with
<br /> 7:30 to 11:30 a.m.,Friday community,"the resolution states.
<br /> Approved Patrick Klaers>election to sive plan approval(4-0) the hiring of an eighth public works
<br /> In May the Arden Hill City Council ap- be excluded from PERA(3-0) maintenance worker(3-1 Grant)
<br /> 651-792-7800 proved a resolution supporting"inclusion The Parks,Trails,and Recreation Commit-
<br /> Adopted Resolution 2010-030 to al-
<br /> Sheriff and Fire Emergency of pedestrian safe infrastructure as part tee unanimously recommended the resolu- Adopted Resolution 2009-027 ac- low Lake Region Hockey to conduct Approved the updated letter of sup-
<br /> of the I-694/Highway 51 Improvement tion.The City asked the Ramsey County ce tin completion of the 2009 Pave- charitable gamblingat the Big 10 port for the Sand Companies,Inc.
<br /> 911 Project.The existing bridges along this Board to approve a matching resolution. m nt Management Program PMP Supper Club 4 0 g housing tax credit application to the
<br /> Sheriff(non-emergency) g g (PMP) PP ( - )
<br /> corridor currently do not accommodate The resolution has been sent to and approved final payment ac- Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
<br /> 651-484-3366 pp p � (
<br /> pedestrians. Overpasses and/or widening Mn/DOT for its review. cepting completion of the 2009 PMP Adopted Resolution 2010-031 ap- for the Arden Village project at 1296
<br /> Fire(non-emergency) of bridges should be considered. County Road F for an amount not
<br /> 651-633-2404 i. starts the two-year warranty on the pointing election judges,assistant h'
<br /> Water and Sewer Problems project)(3-0) deputy clerks,and absentee ballot to exceed$225,000,along with the
<br /> Trail connections crossing over or under board members for the 2010 Primary waiver of the sewer/water access
<br /> (During non-business hours) the major highways and railroads are
<br /> 651-484-3366 Tabled to the June 14,2010,meeting and General Elections(4-0) charges (3-1 Holden)
<br /> Mayor: Railroad bridge underpass is rolling along the Sand Companies,Inc.request for
<br /> g p g g a letter of support for Housing Tax Authorized staff to contract with Authorized staff to contract with
<br /> Stan Harpstead 651-604-9097 pp g
<br /> n agreement has been reached Entry Agreement allowing the City to Credits with the Minnesota Housing Tennis West—Finley Bros.,Inc in Serigraphics Sign Systems,Inc. in the
<br /> David Council members:65 - with Canadian Pacific Railwayconstruct the trail and charging the City amount of$19,645 for the produc-
<br /> David Grant 651-538-0747 g g �' Finance Agency for up to$575,000 in the amount of$7,170 for the partial
<br /> Ato allow the City to build a safe with all maintenance responsibilities.On public assistance 3 0 reconstruction and resurfacing of the tion and installation of the Elmer L.
<br /> Brenda Holden 651-636-2987 p ( - ) g
<br /> Fran Holmes 651-631-1866 pedestrian passage under the railroad July 7 the City took bids from companies Ingerson Park basketball court(4-0) Andersen Memorial signage(4-0)
<br /> Dave McClung 651-332-0352 bridge on Old Highway 10 because there interested in doing the construction work. Approved the right of entry/license
<br /> currently is no shoulder space for walkers The Council was scheduled to award a bid agreement between Soo Line Rail- Adopted Resolution 2010-033 declar- Approved special assessment waiver
<br /> and cyclists. at its July 12 meeting. road(doing business as Canadian ing cost to be assessed and ordering with Inland Shannon Square Cub,
<br /> City Administrator: LLC and Inland Shannon Square
<br /> Patrick Klaers 651-792-7810 Pacific)and the City of Arden Hills preparation of proposed assessment q
<br /> Future plans envision a connecting trail Construction and other associated costs and authorized the advertisement of roll for the 2010 PMP(total amount to Shoppes,LLC with the interest rate
<br /> along Old Highway 10. are estimated at$381,000.The majority bids for the CP Rail Trail Project(to be assessed is$306,000 with the city 1%above the City's current rate of
<br /> Communications Committee: of the fundingwill come from State Aid return Inland companies agree to a
<br /> Arlene Mitchell editor;Kristine construct a pedestrian trail connec- paying the balance of$675,000)(4-0) ( P g pay
<br /> ' The City Council and Canadian Pacific Funds. tion under the CP Rail bridge on Old 50%of cost of construction of 960
<br /> Goodrich;Brenda Holden;Dorothy Railwayboth have approved a Right of g foot long,eight-foot-wide trail along
<br /> McClung PP g Highway 10 near Bethel University) Tabled Planning case 10-008,an g, g g
<br /> Council Liaison: Dave McClung (3-0) amendment to the Master Planned the west side of Lexington Avenue
<br /> Staff Liaison: Becky Brazys Unit Development(PUD)and Final from the Canadian Pacific Railroad
<br /> Desktop Publisher: Mary Nosek Developer reapplies for workforce housing tax credits Adopted Resolution 2010-029 sup- PUD for phase 1 of the Arden Plaza crossing north to the traffic signal at
<br /> porting the inclusion of safe pedes- Redevelopment Agreement Amend- Grey Fox Road)(4-0)
<br /> n June 15 Sand Companies in financial support.This could be done trian crossing as part of the I-694/ ment Number 1,based on the fact the
<br /> Council meetings are held at City Hall submitted a second application to through Tax Increment Financing(TIF)or Authorized staff to proceed with
<br /> on the second and last Monday of the the Minnesota HousingFinance in other ways,such as the waiver of fees. Highway 51 Improvement Project proposed amendment does not meet p
<br /> Y of plans being prepared to re- the spirit of the original a reement or the Brinmeyer/Fursman post-hiring
<br /> month at 7 p.m. Meetings are televised Agency for housing tax credits for its Support is subject to the project meeting (part p g p p pg process art of a search contract,
<br /> live on Cable Channel 16. Meetings of Arden Village proposal.Arden Village is all state guidelines for TIF as well as the construct nine bridges on I-694 from the B-2 zoning requirements(4-0) p (P
<br /> g p p g g
<br /> the Planning Commission are televised a 55-unit rental workforce housing project City's business subsidy policy.The actual Victoria Street to Highway 51)(3-0) designed to assist in a successful start
<br /> for the new City Administrator 4-0
<br /> at 6:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday that Sand Companies proposes to build TIF calculations cannot be completed un- Approved Planning Case 10-007 fora h' )( )
<br /> after the first Mondayof the month. variance at 1146 Waldon Place(appli-
<br /> cants requested an eight-foot variance '
<br /> Playbacks of City meetings begin the of housing tax credits will be awarded in ing the 2011 tax assessments),but this
<br /> morningafter the meeting and continue to the front yard setback to construct
<br /> g October. amount is consistent with preliminary TIF an enclosed front entryway addition) AA
<br /> every day until the next City meeting. calculations.This letter does not obligate IY WI
<br /> Playbacks are 3 a.m., I I a.m. and 7 (3-1 Holden)
<br /> Y At its June 14 meeting the City Council the City to provide this support,but it is
<br /> w t0UNITE.GHT
<br /> p.m.Monday through Friday,and 7 approved issuing a letter of support for offered in good faith. Competition is stiff NI
<br /> a.m.,2 p.m.,and 10 p.m. on Saturday Sand Companies'application.The letter for these tax credits—this letter and the Night to Unite Is August 3, 5 to 9 p.m. Neighbors Joining Together
<br /> and Sunday.For web casts,visit www. states that the City supports having a financial support increase the likelihood
<br /> ctv 15.or The City of Arden Hills is working with the the Ramsey County Sheriff,the Minnesota Crime Prevention Association,and AAA of
<br /> g variety of housing options available within of being chosen to receive housing tax Minnesota/Iowa to sponsor a crime prevention effort on Tuesday,August 3,from 5 to 9 p.m.The event is called Night to Unite.
<br /> the City and,as a demonstration of its credits.
<br /> Arden Hills Notes is the official news- endorsement of this project,it proposes Night to Unite is an opportunity for neighborhoods to et together for fellowship and to promote the importance of crime-prevention
<br /> letter of the City of Arden Hills,an to give Sand Companies up to$225,000 Continued on page 4 g pp ty g g g p p p p
<br /> equal-opportunity employer. programs in our community.Register your neighborhood by Friday,July 30,at and
<br /> 2 get a planning packet. 3
<br />