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Operating Capital <br />Charges for Grants and Grants and Governmental Business-Type <br />Expenses Services Contributions Contributions Activities Activities Total <br />Functions/programs <br />Primary government <br />Governmental activities <br />General government 1,299,419$ 241,534$ 151,883$ –$ (906,002)$ –$ (906,002)$ <br />Public safety 2,663,521 957,785 96,073 28,381 (1,581,282) – (1,581,282) <br />Public works 1,796,184 7,040 111,414 837,339 (840,391) – (840,391) <br />Parks and recreation 1,013,507 101,097 13,095 37,206 (862,109) – (862,109) <br />Economic development 199,988 – 3,500 – (196,488) – (196,488) <br />Total governmental <br /> activities 6,972,619 1,307,456 375,965 902,926 (4,386,272) – (4,386,272) <br />Business-type activities <br />Water 2,473,906 2,823,414 1,214 296,691 – 647,413 647,413 <br />Sewer 1,817,972 2,209,253 1,413 273,111 – 665,805 665,805 <br />Surface water <br /> management 610,730 937,652 886 81,688 – 409,496 409,496 <br />Recycling 173,092 169,905 26,810 – – 23,623 23,623 <br />Total business-type <br /> activities 5,075,700 6,140,224 30,323 651,490 – 1,746,337 1,746,337 <br />Total primary <br /> government 12,048,319$ 7,447,680$ 406,288$ 1,554,416$ (4,386,272) 1,746,337 (2,639,935) <br />General revenues <br />General property taxes 4,404,477 – 4,404,477 <br />Tax increments 338,899 – 338,899 <br />Franchise taxes 94,320 – 94,320 <br />Unrestricted investment earnings (charges)(460,213) (100,660) (560,873) <br />Gain on sale of capital assets 197,910 – 197,910 <br />Transfers 300,000 (300,000) – <br />Total general revenues and transfers 4,875,393 (400,660) 4,474,733 <br />Change in net position 489,121 1,345,677 1,834,798 <br />Net position – beginning 39,494,599 22,294,969 61,789,568 <br />Net position – ending 39,983,720$ 23,640,646$ 63,624,366$ <br />Program Revenues Changes in Net Position <br />Net (Expense) Revenue and <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Statement of Activities <br />Year Ended December 31, 2022 <br />See notes to basic financial statements -16-