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Permanent Other Total <br />Improvement Governmental Intra-Activity Governmental <br />General Revolving Funds Eliminations Funds <br />Cash and investments 5,667,878$ 5,577,529$ 2,943,396$ –$ 14,188,803$ <br />Accrued interest receivable 23,474 23,909 11,725 – 59,108 <br />Accounts receivable 25,773 150,000 28,730 – 204,503 <br />Taxes receivable 37,329 – 130 – 37,459 <br />Special assessments receivable 3,628 1,419,522 – – 1,423,150 <br />Interfund receivable – 194,879 23,747 (218,626) – <br />Leases receivable 894,171 – – – 894,171 <br />Due from other governmental units 53,438 – – – 53,438 <br />Prepaid items 34,508 – 4,071 – 38,579 <br />Total assets 6,740,199$ 7,365,839$ 3,011,799$ (218,626)$ 16,899,211$ <br />Liabilities <br />Accounts payable 88,825$ 238,591$ 61,296$ –$ 388,712$ <br />Salaries payable 92,545 – – – 92,545 <br />Deposits payable 2,147,375 – – – 2,147,375 <br />Interfund payable – – 218,626 (218,626) – <br />Due to other governmental units 32,120 259,146 – – 291,266 <br />Unearned revenue 79,289 – 136,436 – 215,725 <br />Total liabilities 2,440,154 497,737 416,358 (218,626) 3,135,623 <br />Deferred inflows of resources <br />Unavailable revenue – taxes 36,009 – – – 36,009 <br />Unavailable revenue – special assessments 3,628 1,409,945 – – 1,413,573 <br />Unavailable revenue – long-term receivable – 150,000 – – 150,000 <br />Lease revenues for subsequent years 894,171 – – – 894,171 <br />State aid received for subsequent years – 606,130 – – 606,130 <br />Total deferred inflows of resources 933,808 2,166,075 – – 3,099,883 <br />Fund balances (deficits) <br />Nonspendable 34,508 – 4,071 – 38,579 <br />Restricted – – 1,641,192 – 1,641,192 <br />Committed – – 658,457 – 658,457 <br />Assigned 259,015 4,702,027 510,217 – 5,471,259 <br />Unassigned 3,072,714 – (218,496) – 2,854,218 <br />Total fund balances (deficits)3,366,237 4,702,027 2,595,441 – 10,663,705 <br />Total liabilities, deferred inflows <br /> of resources, and fund balances 6,740,199$ 7,365,839$ 3,011,799$ (218,626)$ 16,899,211$ <br />Fund balances reported above 10,663,705$ <br />Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net Position are different because: <br />Nondepreciable 4,759,890 <br />Depreciable, net of accumulated depreciation 23,640,480 <br />178,179 <br />Compensated absences (98,255) <br />Net pension liability (1,044,294) <br />Deferred outflows of resources – pension plans 320,433 <br />Deferred inflows of resources – pension plans (36,000) <br />Deferred inflows of resources – unavailable revenues (taxes, special assessments, and long-term receivable)1,599,582 <br />Net position of governmental activities 39,983,720$ <br />Assets <br />Internal service funds are used to allocate costs to individual funds.Net position is included in governmental activities in the Statement of Net <br />Position. <br />Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and, therefore, are not reported in the funds. <br />The recognition of certain revenues and expenses/expenditures differ between the full accrual governmental activities financial statements and the <br />modified accrual governmental fund financial statements. <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Balance Sheet <br />Governmental Funds <br />as of December 31, 2022 <br />Certain long-term obligations are not payable with current financial resources and, therefore, are not reported in governmental funds. <br />See notes to basic financial statements -17-