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Surface Internal <br />Water Nonmajor Service <br />Water Sewer Management Recycling Totals Funds <br />Assets <br />Current assets <br />Cash and investments 2,623,227$ 931,302$ 339,121$ 212,687$ 4,106,337$ 196,889$ <br />Accrued interest receivable 9,907 2,892 1,405 881 15,085 735 <br />Accounts receivable <br />Customers 628,469 579,655 245,845 – 1,453,969 – <br />Customer accounts certified to county 32,826 35,703 4,482 4,412 77,423 – <br />Interfund receivable – – – – – 150 <br />Prepaid items 7,307 7,307 7,307 – 21,921 763 <br />Inventory 21,933 – – – 21,933 – <br />Total current assets 3,323,669 1,556,859 598,160 217,980 5,696,668 198,537 <br />Noncurrent assets <br />Capital assets <br />Buildings and structures 818,476 16,564 – – 835,040 – <br />Distribution and collection systems 13,318,678 10,828,183 6,132,798 – 30,279,659 – <br />Machinery and equipment 301,210 337,852 – – 639,062 – <br />Construction in progress 415,792 90,215 229,618 – 735,625 – <br />Total capital assets 14,854,156 11,272,814 6,362,416 – 32,489,386 – <br />Less accumulated depreciation (5,675,828) (4,718,197) (1,254,795) – (11,648,820) – <br />Total capital assets <br /> (net of accumulated depreciation)9,178,328 6,554,617 5,107,621 – 20,840,566 – <br />Total assets 12,501,997 8,111,476 5,705,781 217,980 26,537,234 198,537 <br />Deferred outflows of resources <br />Pension plan deferments – PERA 84,936 98,865 62,003 – 245,804 – <br />Liabilities <br />Current liabilities <br />Accounts payable 20,152 12,111 235 8,764 41,262 4,217 <br />Deposits payable 4,000 – – – 4,000 – <br />Interfund payable – – – – – 150 <br />Due to other governmental units 249,278 34,616 – – 283,894 15,991 <br />Accrued interest payable 23,729 3,688 – – 27,417 – <br />Bonds payable 195,000 30,000 – – 225,000 – <br />Compensated absences payable 19,274 22,227 14,514 2,038 58,053 – <br />Total current liabilities 511,433 102,642 14,749 10,802 639,626 20,358 <br />Noncurrent liabilities <br />Bonds payable (net of premium)1,431,942 222,782 – – 1,654,724 – <br />Compensated absences payable 6,425 7,409 4,838 679 19,351 – <br />Net pension liability 276,805 322,201 202,068 – 801,074 – <br />Total noncurrent liabilities 1,715,172 552,392 206,906 679 2,475,149 – <br />Total liabilities 2,226,605 655,034 221,655 11,481 3,114,775 20,358 <br />Deferred inflows of resources <br />Pension plan deferments – PERA 9,543 11,108 6,966 – 27,617 – <br />Net position <br />Net investment in capital assets 7,551,386 6,301,835 5,107,621 – 18,960,842 – <br />Unrestricted 2,799,399 1,242,364 431,542 206,499 4,679,804 178,179 <br />Total net position 10,350,785$ 7,544,199$ 5,539,163$ 206,499$ 23,640,646$ 178,179$ <br />Business-Type Activities – Enterprise Funds <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Statement of Net Position <br />Proprietary Funds <br />as of December 31, 2022 <br />See notes to basic financial statements -20-