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Surface Internal <br />Water Nonmajor Service <br />Water Sewer Management Recycling Totals Funds <br />Operating revenues <br />Charges for services 2,817,859$ 2,204,932$ 937,249$ 149,721$ 6,109,761$ 525,826$ <br />Permit fees 2,070 1,395 – – 3,465 – <br />Miscellaneous 3,485 2,926 403 20,184 26,998 6,903 <br />Total operating revenues 2,823,414 2,209,253 937,652 169,905 6,140,224 532,729 <br />Operating expenses <br />Personal services 412,690 491,921 292,328 32,190 1,229,129 – <br />Supplies and maintenance 85,969 13,543 3,825 – 103,337 113,174 <br />Other services and charges 291,396 171,158 123,135 26,872 612,561 74,378 <br />Rent 32,379 30,963 13,761 – 77,103 – <br />Insurance 18,924 37,512 3,364 505 60,305 – <br />Utilities 16,602 22,351 – – 38,953 – <br />Purchased services 32,404 28,050 22,759 6,784 89,997 325,901 <br />Purchased water 1,175,535 – – – 1,175,535 – <br />Recycling charges – – – 106,741 106,741 – <br />Sewer charges – 817,179 – – 817,179 – <br />Depreciation 363,882 198,444 151,558 – 713,884 – <br />Total operating expenses 2,429,781 1,811,121 610,730 173,092 5,024,724 513,453 <br />Operating income (loss)393,633 398,132 326,922 (3,187) 1,115,500 19,276 <br />Nonoperating revenues (expenses) <br />Intergovernmental revenue 1,214 1,413 886 26,810 30,323 – <br />Earnings on investments (charges)(66,876) (18,471) (7,994) (7,319) (100,660) (6,050) <br />Interest and fiscal charges (44,125)(6,851)– – (50,976) – <br />Total nonoperating <br /> revenues (expenses)(109,787) (23,909) (7,108) 19,491 (121,313) (6,050) <br />Income (loss) before <br /> contributions and transfers 283,846 374,223 319,814 16,304 994,187 13,226 <br />Capital contributions – connection fees 65,480 40,008 – – 105,488 – <br />Capital contributions – capital grants 231,211 233,103 81,688 – 546,002 – <br />Transfers out (100,000) (126,000) (74,000) – (300,000) – <br />Change in net position 480,537 521,334 327,502 16,304 1,345,677 13,226 <br />Net position <br />Beginning of year 9,870,248 7,022,865 5,211,661 190,195 22,294,969 164,953 <br />End of year 10,350,785$ 7,544,199$ 5,539,163$ 206,499$ 23,640,646$ 178,179$ <br />Business-Type Activities – Enterprise Funds <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position <br />Proprietary Funds <br />Year Ended December 31, 2022 <br />See notes to basic financial statements -21-