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Surface Internal <br />Water Nonmajor Service <br />Water Sewer Management Recycling Totals Funds <br />Cash flows from operating activities <br />Receipts from customers and users 2,763,307$ 2,179,856$ 922,948$ 172,770$ 6,038,881$ 532,835$ <br />Payments to suppliers (1,564,337) (1,023,674) (129,148) (126,390) (2,843,549) (538,259) <br />Payments to employees (390,183) (463,244) (275,634) (32,136) (1,161,197) (620) <br />Payments for interfund services used (67,115) (69,675) (45,097) (5,801) (187,688) – <br />Net cash flows from operating activities 741,672 623,263 473,069 8,443 1,846,447 (6,044) <br />Cash flows from noncapital financing activities <br />Cash received from other funds – – – – – 150 <br />Cash paid to other funds – – – – – (150) <br />Grants received 1,214 1,413 886 26,810 30,323 – <br />Transfers out (100,000) (126,000) (74,000) – (300,000) – <br />Net cash flows from noncapital <br /> financing activities (98,786) (124,587) (73,114) 26,810 (269,677) – <br />Cash flows from capital and related <br /> financing activities <br />Acquisition and construction of capital assets (359,979) (524,563) (177,786) – (1,062,328) – <br />Capital contributions – connection fees received 65,480 40,008 – – 105,488 – <br />Capital contributions – capital grants received 231,211 233,103 81,688 – 546,002 – <br />Principal payments on bonds (190,000) (30,000) – – (220,000) – <br />Interest paid (60,750) (9,450) – – (70,200) – <br />Net cash flows from capital and related <br /> financing activities (314,038) (290,902) (96,098) – (701,038) – <br />Cash flows from investing activities <br />Earnings on investments (charges)(72,499) (19,597) (9,245) (7,768) (109,109) (6,400) <br />Net change in cash and cash equivalents 256,349 188,177 294,612 27,485 766,623 (12,444) <br />Cash and cash equivalents – beginning 2,366,878 743,125 44,509 185,202 3,339,714 209,333 <br />Cash and cash equivalents – ending 2,623,227$ 931,302$ 339,121$ 212,687$ 4,106,337$ 196,889$ <br />Reconciliation of operating income (loss) to net <br /> cash flows from operating activities <br />Operating income (loss)393,633$ 398,132$ 326,922$ (3,187)$ 1,115,500$ 19,276$ <br />Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) <br /> to net cash flows from operating activities <br />Depreciation 363,882 198,444 151,558 – 713,884 – <br />Decrease (increase) in accounts receivables (56,107) (29,397) (14,704) 2,865 (97,343) 106 <br />Decrease (increase) in prepaid items 219 (51) (51) – 117 (494) <br />Decrease (increase) in inventory (1,888) – – – (1,888) – <br />Decrease (increase) in deferred outflows 29,333 32,373 21,286 – 82,992 – <br />Increase (decrease) in accounts payable (13,134) 10,237 (3,525) 8,711 2,289 (24,949) <br />Increase (decrease) in deposits payable (4,000) – – – (4,000) – <br />Increase (decrease) in due to other governments 36,560 17,221 (3,825) – 49,956 637 <br />Increase (decrease) in net pension liability 123,841 146,522 90,575 – 360,938 – <br />Increase (decrease) in compensated absences <br /> payable (4) (299) 61 54 (188) (620) <br />Increase (decrease) in deferred inflows (130,663) (149,919) (95,228) – (375,810) – <br />Total adjustments 348,039 225,131 146,147 11,630 730,947 (25,320) <br />Net cash flows from operating activities 741,672$ 623,263$ 473,069$ 8,443$ 1,846,447$ (6,044)$ <br />Noncash investing, capital, and financing activities <br />Due from other governmental units <br />Amortization of bond premium (discount)13,458$ 2,099$ –$ –$ 15,557$ –$ <br />Business-Type Activities – Enterprise Funds <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Statement of Cash Flows <br />Proprietary Funds <br />Year Ended December 31, 2022 <br />See notes to basic financial statements -22-