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190435v1 <br />10 <br />employees will be instructed to: <br /> not discuss, disclose, or otherwise release private or confidential data to City <br />employees whose job responsibilities do not require access to the data, <br /> not leave private or confidential data where non-authorized individuals might see it, <br />password protect employee computers and lock computers before leaving <br />workstations; <br /> secure private or confidential data within locked work spaces and in locked file <br />cabinets; and <br /> shred private or confidential data before discarding. <br />C. Data Inventory <br />Under the requirements of Minnesota Statutes § 13.025, subd. 1, the City has prepared a <br />Data Inventory which identifies and describes all not public data on individuals maintained <br />by the City. To comply with Minnesota Statutes § 13.05 subd. 5, the City has modified its <br />Data Inventory to represent the employees who have access to not public data. <br />In the event of temporary duty as assigned by a manager or supervisor, an employee may <br />access certain not public data, for as long as the work is assigned to the employee. <br />In addition to the employees listed in the City’s Data Inventory, the Responsible Authority, <br />the Data Practices Compliance Official, the City Administrator, Department Heads, and the <br />City Attorney may have access to all not public data maintained by the City if necessary <br />for specified duties. Any access to not public data will be strictly limited to the data <br />necessary to complete the work assignment. <br /> The City’s General Records Retention Schedule lists data maintained by the City and its <br /> classification. The retention schedule is available on the Minnesota Clerks and Finance <br /> Officers Association (MCFOA) website at <br /> or by request <br /> at Arden Hills City Hall. <br />D. Employee Job Descriptions <br />Employee Job Descriptions may contain provisions identifying any not public data <br />accessible to the employee when a work assignment reasonably requires access. <br />E. Data Sharing with Authorized Individuals <br />State or federal law may authorize the sharing of not public data in specific circumstances. <br />Not public data may be shared with another entity if a federal or state law allows or <br />mandates it. Individuals will have notice of any sharing in applicable Tennessen warnings <br />(See Minnesota Statutes, section 13.04) or the City will obtain informed consent. Any <br />sharing of not public data will be strictly limited to the data necessary or required to comply <br />with the applicable law. <br />