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190435v1 <br />9 <br /> Whether the individual may refuse or is legally required to supply the requested data, <br /> Any known consequences from supplying or refusing to supply the information, and <br /> The identity of other persons or entities authorized by state or federal law to receive <br />the data. <br />A Tennessen Warning is not required when an individual is requested to supply investigative data <br />to a law enforcement officer. <br />A Tennessen Warning may be on a separate form or may be incorporated into the form which <br />requests the private or confidential data. See attached Exhibit 7. <br /> <br />VII. CHALLENGE TO DATA ACCURACY <br />An individual who is the subject of public or private data may contest the accuracy or <br />completeness of that data maintained by the City. The individual must notify the City's <br />Responsible Authority in writing describing the nature of the disagreement. Within 30 days, the <br />Responsible Authority or designee must respond and either (1) correct the data found to be <br />inaccurate or incomplete and attempt to notify past recipients of inaccurate or incomplete data, <br />including recipients named by the individual, or (2) notify the individual that the authority believes <br />the data to be correct. <br />An individual who is dissatisfied with the Responsible Authority's action may appeal to the <br />Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Administration, using the contested case <br />procedures under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 14. The Responsible Authority will correct any data <br />if so ordered by the Commissioner. <br /> <br />VIII. ENSURING SECURITY OF NOT PUBLIC DATA <br />A. Accuracy and Currency of Data. <br /> All employees will be requested, and given appropriate forms, to provide updated personal <br />information to the appropriate supervisor, City Clerk, or City Administrator, which is <br />necessary for tax, insurance, emergency notification, and other personnel purposes. Other <br />people who provide private or confidential information will also be encouraged to provide <br />updated information when appropriate. <br /> Department heads should periodically review forms used to collect data on individuals to <br />delete items that are not necessary and to clarify items that may be ambiguous. <br /> All records must be disposed of according to the City's records retention schedule. <br />B. Data Safeguards. <br />Private and confidential information will be stored in files or databases which are not <br />readily accessible to individuals who do not have authorized access and which will be <br />secured during hours when the offices are closed. <br />Private and confidential data must be kept only in City offices, except when necessary for <br />City business. <br />Only those employees whose job responsibilities require them to have access will be <br />allowed access to files and records that contain private or confidential information. These