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<br />The rendition of suah serviae. the standal'ils of pel'fo:Y:'11lanae. <br />the disui-pUne of offiool's. and othel' matteI'S inoidBnt to the pel'f01'l1laTlae <br />of suah serviaeB and the. controt. of pel'BOTmet. so empt.oyed. shaU be <br />. undel' the jurisdiation of the County. In event of dispute between the <br />pa1'ties as to the eJ:ten,t of the duties and funations to be l'endel'ed <br />hereundel'. 01' the t.evet. 01' manneI' of pel'fol'manoe of such semae. the <br /> <br />iktermination thereof mas by the Sheriff of the County shaU be finat. <br />and aonat.usive as between the h81'8to. p1'Oviikd howevel'. that <br />upon notiae by the MuniaipaUty. the shaU negotiate theil' <br />diffezoenaes in acaozodanoe with the provisions of paz>ag1'aph 11 hereof. . <br />Servioes performed hereundel' shat.t. inat.ude but not be t.i.mi.ted <br />to tl'affia 1.01t1 enforoement inct.uding the l'egut.a1' use of :rada1' as a speed <br />iktel'rent. non-tZ'affia ozodinance 1.01t1 enfol'aement. Uaense inspeotion <br /> <br />and enfOl'oement. and the :regu"Lazo pat1'ot. of business and residentiat. <br />areas Idthin the Muniui-paUty. <br /> <br />Serviaes shaU be p1'Oviikd 24 h1's. pel' day and shaU be <br />pel'formed by the number of deputies and othel' pel'sonnet. budget6d fol' <br />in the herein attached E:r:hibit "A". <br /> <br />Z. To faaiUtate the pBl'fOZ'Tlla1lOO of said lunatiana. it is . <br />hereby agreed that the County shat.t. have fuU aoope:ration and assistance <br />from the Muniui-paUty. its offiae1'8. agents and empt.oyees. <br />3. Fol' the purpose of pel'forming said functions. County shaU <br />furnish and suppt.y at.t. neosssa1'jl t.abOl'. supervision. equipment. OOIIlIlWlication <br />. faoiUties and dispatching. and suppUes neoessa!'y to maintain the 1.evet. of <br />service to be l'ende1'ed hereundel'. <br /> <br />4. An Deputy Sheriffs. at.e1'ks. dispatahel's and an other- <br />pSl'sonnet. pSl'forming duties pU1'suant to this agzoeement shat.t. at; at.t. t1.mss <br />be aonsi.dered emp7.0yees of the County for aU purposes. <br /> <br />-3- <br />