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<br />. . <br /> <br />E:1:OI1pt as othsMse provided~ the MzmicipaUty shaU not be <br />catted upon to assumE! any UabiUty for the direct payment of any <br />salaries~ ltJages~ or other compensation to any County p61lonnsl. performing <br />. seMces hereunde1' for said MunicipaUty~ and the County hereby asswnes <br />said l.iabil.ities. <br /> <br />E=ept as herein otheMse specified~ the MzmicipaUty shatt <br />not be Uabl.e for compensation 01' indemnity to any County empZoyee for <br />injuzoy or sickness al'ising out of this empl.oyment~ and the. County he1'eby <br />agrees to 1w'ld htuwrl.ess the MunicipaUty against any such cZaim. <br />fi. The MunicipaZity~ its officers and empl.oyees~ shaU not <br />be deemed to asswne any ZiabiUty foro the intentional. or nsgUgent acts <br />of the County or the County's empZoyees perfOl' se:wices pul'suant to <br />this AgI'eement~ and the County shaU 1w'ld the MunicipaUty~ ita officers <br />and empl.oyees htuwrl.ess ftom and shaU defend the MunicipaZity~ its <br />officers and empZoyees~ against any cZaim foro dtutrlges al'ising ftom the <br />p8rofomance of this Agreement. <br />6. This Agreement shaU comnence oTanuary 1~ 1919 ~ and <br />shaU be in effect until. December 51~ 1919. Either party may terminate <br />this Agreement upon ninety (90) days !JJz>itten notice to the othet' party. <br />In this event~ the prope1'ty Usted in the herein attached E:chibit "B" oro <br />ita functional. or genezoal. equival.ents~ shatt be ret1.a'ned to the MunicipaZity. <br />1. The MunicipaUty agrees to pay the County the cost of <br />perofol"11ling aU S6l'Vices COtJeI'ed by this Agreement. Coste shaU incl.ude <br />salaries of empl.oyees engaged in perofoz'ming said services~ a p1'O rata of <br />. vacation and sick l.eave~ supel'1lision of such empl.oyees !JJhiZe so empl.oyed~ <br />the PubUc EmpZoyees RetiI'611lent Conmbution and Workmen's Compensation <br />l':retniums~ General. OIJerohead~ incl.uding indirect ezpenses and <br />Radio Unit ezpenee, and Wel.fare ezpense~ and PoZice &ofessional. <br /> <br />-5- <br />