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<br />. <br /> <br />APPENDIX C-t-REQUtltED PROVlStONS- <br />CONSULTING EJratNEn1NG AaREEl4ENTS <br /> <br />1. Genna! <br />2. Reswnslblllty or the Engineer <br />3. Scope of Work <br />4. Changes <br />S. Tf!nninaUon <br />6, Rt'medies <br />'1. Payment <br />8. Project Design <br />9. Audit; Aceess t.o Records <br />10. Price R'eduction for Detective Cost. or <br />Prlclng Data <br />11. subconl.r1t.Cts <br />12. Labor Standards <br />13. Equal Employment. Opportunity <br />14. UUllzaUon of Small or Minority Busi. <br />ness <br />15. covenant. Against Contingent Fees <br />16.0ratuities <br />n. Patents <br />18. Copyrlghla and Rights in Data. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1. GENL'RAt. <br /> <br />(a) The owner and the engineer agree t.hat. <br />the following provisions apply to the EPA <br />srant-ellgible work to be performed under <br />this agreement amllhat such provisions su- <br />persede any eonntctlng provisions of this <br />agreement. <br />(b) The work under this agreement is <br />funded In part by a. grant from the U.S. En- <br />vironmental Protection Agency. Neither the <br />Untted States nor the U.S. Environmental <br />Protection Agency (hereinafter, "EPA") is a <br />party to this agreement. This agt'f'cment <br />which covers grant-ellgible work Is subject <br />to regulations contained In 40 CPR 35.936, <br />35.937. and 35.939 in effect on the date of <br />execution of this agreement. M used in <br />these 'clauses. the words "the date of necu. <br />ticn of this agreement" m('an the date of <br />execution of this agreement and any subse. <br />quent modiflcatton of the terms, compcrn;a. <br />tion or scrope of services pertinent to unper. <br />formed work. <br />(cl The owner's rights and remedies pro. <br />vlded in these clauses. are in addition to any <br />other rtghts and remedies provided by law <br />or this ~KI'eement. <br /> <br />2. RESl'ONSIBIUTY OF THE ENGINEER <br /> <br />(8.) The engfne-cr shall be responsible for <br />the professional qU&1llY. teehnlcal accuracy. <br />timE"ly completion. and the coordination of <br />all designs, drawings. speciflcatlons. r<"ports, <br />. and ot,her set'Vlees furnished by the engi. <br />neer under this agreement, The engtueer <br />shall, without addU,tonal compensation, cor. <br />rect or reviae any errors, omissions, or other <br />dHiclencies to his designs, drawings. specifi. <br />cations, reporta, and other services.. <br /><bl The engineer shall perfonn such pro- <br />fessional servtees as may be necessary to s.c. <br />('omp1ish the work required to be performed <br />undt'r thL'i agreemf!nt. in accordance wilh <br />this agre'ement and applleable EP A Tt'Quire. <br />ments In eUect on !.he date of execution of <br />Ul1s atrt'emenL <br />(c) The owner's or EPA's &PprovRl of, <br />draVilnltS. designs. specUications. rt'poTLs, <br />and Inddent.a1 enBlrw~rinK work or ma.lerl. <br />als fumlshl'd h('reundt"r shall not in 1U1Y <br />way relieve the engineer of responsibility <br />tor the technical adequacy of his work. Nei. <br />ther the C'Wllp.r's nor EPA's review. approval <br />or aeeept.e.nce of. nor payment ror, any of <br />Ute services shall be construed to operate as <br />a waiver of any rights under thls a.greement. <br /> <br />44091 <br /> <br />or of any cause of action arising out of the <br />performance of t.his agreement.. <br />(dl The engineer shall be and shall remain <br />liable. in accordance with appllcable law, for <br />all damages to the owner or EPA caused by <br />the engineer's negligent. performance of any <br />of t.he services fumL,>hed under this agree-' <br />ment.. except for errors. omIsslons or other <br />deilclencles to the extent attributable to Ute <br />owner, owner.fundshed data or any Lhlrd <br />party. The englneer shall not be responsible <br />for any time delays in -the project caused by <br />circumstances beyond the englneeer's con. <br />trol Where lnnovaUv-e processes or Lech. <br />niQues <see 40 CFR 35.908) are recommend. <br />ed by the engineer and are used. the engl. <br />neer shalt be liable only [or gross negligence <br />to the extent of such use. <br /> <br />:'I. SCOPE 01' WORK <br /> <br />The services to be performed by the engl. <br />neer shall tnclude all services required to <br />complete the task or Step in accordance <br />with applica.ble EPA regulaUons (40 CPR <br />Part 35. subpart E in effect on the date of <br />execution ot this e.greemenU to the extent. <br />of the ~ope oC work as dennt.>d and set. out <br />in tht' engineering services agreement to <br />whIch these provlslons tu'C at.tached. . <br /> <br />4. CHAliGES <br /> <br />(a) The owner may, at e.ny time. by writ. <br />ten order, make. changes within the general <br />&rope ot thIs agreement In the services or <br />work to be performed. 1! such changes cause <br />ail increase or decrease in the engineer's <br />cost of, Dr time required tor, performance ot <br />any services under this agreement. whether <br />or not changed by any order, an equitable <br />adjustment shall be made and this agTee. <br />ment shall be modified in writing aecordlrig. <br />ly. The engineer must assert any claim for <br />adjustment under this clause in writing <br />within 30 days from the dele oC reeefpt by <br />the engineer of the notification of change, <br />unleSs the owner grants a further period of <br />time bt>fore the 'date of final payment. under <br />this agreement. <br />(b) No services for which an additional <br />compensation will be charged by the engi. <br />neer shall be furnished without the written <br />authorization ot the owner. <br />(c) In the event that there is a modUlca. <br />tion of EPA requiretnents relating to. the <br />services to be performed under this agree- <br />ment after the date of execuLion of this <br />agrct'mcnt. the Increased or decreased cOst <br />of p('rtormance oC the services provided ror <br />in this agreement shall be retle-cted in an <br />appropriate mocUncatlon of this agreerqenL. <br /> <br />5. TERMINA'rlOIf <br /> <br />(a) Either party tnll.Y termtn.l.f.e thili agree-- <br />ment, in whole or iIi part, tn"wrltlng, if the <br />other party substantiallY faUs to [uUlu its <br />obllgaUons under this agreemenf through <br />no faull of the tE"nninaUng party. llowever, <br />no such terminaUon may be effected unless <br />the other party is given (1) not less than t.en <br />(10) calendar days written notice (delivered <br />by certified mail, ret.urn receipt requested) <br />oIlutent. to termina.te and (2l an opportwtl. <br />ty for consultation lI.-fth the t.erminatlng <br />party belore k'rinlnatlon. <br />(bJ Tho ownC'r ma.y terminate this agree. <br />m('nl, 1n whole or in part, in wrttlng, for Its <br />convt'ntcnce, if the tRnnlnat.lon is lor good <br />cause (such as for legal or financIal reasons, <br />major changes in the work or program reo <br />quirements, tniUauon of a new step) and the <br />engineer is 8iven (1) not less than ten (10) <br />calendar days wrU,ten noUce (delivered by <br /> <br />fEDERAL RtGlSTP. VOL 43, NO. I_WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMllEIl 27, 1918 <br />