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<br />'. <br /> <br />. . <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />44092 <br /> <br />eertltled mall. retum receipt requested> of <br />Intent to terminate. and (2) an opportunIty <br />tor consultation with the terminating Party <br />before LtnnlnaUon. <br />(e) If the owner termlna.tes for default, an <br />equitable adjustment In the price provided <br />for in this agreement shall be made, but (1) <br />no amount shall be allowed for antleipated <br />~ront on unpez:fonned services or other <br />work. and (2) any payment due to the engJ. <br />neer at the time of termlnatJon may be ad. <br />Justed to the extent of any adcUtlonal cooLs <br />the owner lncurs bffause of the engineer's <br />default. II the engineer terminates for de. <br />fault or If the owner terminates for conven. <br />fence. the equitable adjustment _shall In. <br />elude a reasonable prottt tor services or <br />other. work performed. The equitable ad. <br />Justment for any tenn1natton shall provide <br />for payment to the engineer tor services <br />rendered and expenses incurred before the <br />tenntnatJon. in addition to termlnatJon set. <br />tlement costs the engineer reasonably <br />Incurs relating to commItments which had <br />become finn before the termination. <br />(d) Upon, receIpt of a termlnaUon acUon <br />under paragraphs (a) or (b) above. the engi. <br />neer shall (1) PTompUy discontinue all serA <br />\'tees atfected (unless the notice directs oth- <br />erwise). and (2) deUver or otherwise make <br />e.vallable to the owner all da.ta., drawIngs. <br />speeJ.fJcaUons. reports. estimates. su:rn..mar- <br />lea. and such other information and materiA <br />als as the engineer may have accumulated <br />In performing thLs agreement. whether com- <br />pleted or In process. <br />(e) Upon tennlnation under paragraphs <br />(a) or (b) above. the owner may take over <br />the work and prosecute the same to comple- <br />tion by agreement with another party or <br />otherwIse. Any work the owner takes over <br />for completion will be completed at the <br />owner's risk. and the owner will hold harm. <br />less the engineer from all claims and dam- <br />ages arising out oll1nproper use of the engi- <br />neer's work. <br />(n It, after termlne.Uon for fallure of the <br />engineer to tuUlIl contractual Obligations. It <br />Is determined that the engineer had not so <br />fafled, the termination shall be deemed to <br />.have been effected for the convenIence of <br />the owner. In such event. adjustment of the <br />Price provided for In thls agreement shall be <br />made as paragraph ec) 01 this clause pro- <br />videa. <br /> <br />S. REMEDIES <br /> <br />Except as this agreement otherwise pro. <br />vides. sJl c.laima. counter-clalms, disputes, <br />and other matters in qut'sUon bt>twt'f'n the <br />owner and the engIneer arIsing ouL of or re- <br />elating to . this agreement or the breach Of. It <br />will be decided by arbitration It the pa.r:tJes <br />hereto mutually &Bree, or In 8 court of com- <br />petent JurisdictIon wJthln the Slate In <br />which the. owner is Joea.ted. <br /> <br />f. PAYMENT <br /> <br />(a) Payment shall be made in accordance <br />With the pe.yment schedule Incorporated in <br />this agreement N soon as Practicable upon <br />submJssJon ot statements requesting pay. <br />blent ,by the engineer to the owner. Uno <br />such payment schedule is' Incorporated In <br />this agreement. the payment provIsions of <br />paragraph (b) of this clause shall apply. <br />. (b) The engineer may request IDonthly <br />prolJI'eSS payments and the owner shall <br />tnake thetn as soon as practicable UPOn BUD-. <br />tnJss10n of statements requesting payment <br />by the engineer to the Qw:ner. When such <br />progress payments are tnade, the owner IDay <br /> <br />RULES ANDREGULAnONS <br /> <br />wIthhold up to ten (.l0) percent 01 the vou. <br />chered amount unUl satisfactory completion <br />by the engineer of work and serv1ces withIn <br />a step Called for under this agreement. <br />When the owner determines that the work <br />under thts agreement or any specJfled task <br />hereunder is' substantially complete and <br />that the amount ot retatned percentages is <br />In excess of the amount considered by him <br />to be adequate lor his protection. he shall <br />release to the engineer such excess amount. <br />(e) No payment request made under para- <br />graph (a) or (b) of this clause shsJl exceed <br />the estimated amount and value of the work <br />and services pertonned by the engineer <br />under this agreement. The engineer shall <br />prepare the estimates of work performed <br />and shall supplement them with such sup.. <br />. POrting data as the owner may requIre. <br />(d) Upon satisfactory completion of the <br />work performed under thls agreement., as a <br />condItion precedent to final payment under <br />thIs agreement or to settlement upon terml. <br />nation of the agreement, the engineer shall <br />execute and delJver to the owner a release <br />ot aU claims against the owner arising under <br />or by virtue ot this agreement, other than <br />such claims. If any. 'as may be specJtlca1ly <br />exempted by the engineer from the oper. <br />aUon .01 the release In stated amounts to be <br />set forth therein. . <br /> <br />8. PRon:cr DESIGN <br /> <br />(al In the pertonnance of this agreement. <br />the engineer shall. to the extent practicable, <br />provide for maxImum use of'structures. ma- <br />chines, products, materJals, construction <br />meUlods. and equipment which are readily <br />avallable through competitIve procurement, <br />or through standard or proven prOduction <br />techniques. methods. and. processes, consist. <br />ent wIth 40 CFR 38.938-3 and 38.938-13 in <br />effect on the date of execution of this agree_ <br />ment. except to the extent to which iilnova- <br />tive technolOgy may be used under 40 CFR <br />35.908 In effect on the date of execution ot <br />this agreement. <br />(b) The engIneer she.lJ not, in the perform. <br />ance of the work under this agreement, pro- <br />duce a design or speclficatJon which wouJd <br />require the use of structures. machines. <br />products. materials, construction methods. <br />equipment. or processes. which the engineer <br />knows to be available only from 8 sole <br />source, unless the engineer has adeque.tely <br />JUBtitled the use of a sole source In wrltlng. <br />Cc) The engineer shall not, In the perform. <br />Bnce of the work under this agreement. pro- <br />duce a dt'sign or speclflcatlon whIch would <br />be restrictive tn violation of see." 204(a)(6) of <br />the Clean Water Act. This statute requires <br />that no specification for bIds or statement <br />of work shall be written In such a manner as <br />to contain proprJetary, exclUSionary. or tns- <br />Criminatory reqUirements other than those <br />based Upon .performance, unless such re.. <br />quirements are necessary to teat or demon- <br />strate a specJfJc thins. or to prOvide for nee- <br />essary tnterchangeabUJty of parts and <br />equIpment, or at least two brand names or <br />trade names of comparable QusJlty or utility <br />are listed and are followed by the words "'or <br />eQual:'Wlth regard to materials, 11 B single <br />material ls specitled. the engineer must be <br />prepared to substantiate the basis for the <br />selection 01 the material. <br />(d) The en81neer shall report to the owner <br />any sole-source or restrictive design or speci- <br />fication giving the reason or reasons Why It <br />Is necessa.ry to restrict the desIgri or sJ)eClfi. <br />cation. <br /> <br />(e). The engineer shall not knowingly <br />specIfy or approve the performance of work <br />at a facility which is In violation of clean air <br />ur water standards and which Is listed by <br />the Director of the EPA Ottlce of Federal <br />ActJvttles under 40 CPR Part 15. <br /> <br />9. AUDIT; ACCESS TO RECO~S <br /> <br />(a) The engineer shall maJnta1n hooks. <br />records, documents. and other evidence dI. <br />rectly pertinent to pel'formance on EPA <br />grant work under this agreement in accord- <br />ance wIth generally accepted accounting <br />princIPles and practices conslstentl)' ap. <br />piled, and 40 CFR 30,808. 30,808. and 38.035- <br />7 In etrect on the date of execution of this <br />agreement.. The engineer shall also main. <br />tafn the financial information and data used <br />by the engineer in the preparation or sup. <br />POrt of the cost submission required under <br />'40 CPR 35.937-6(bl in effect on the date of <br />execution ot tills agreement and a copy of <br />the cost summary submitted to the owner. <br />The U.S. EnvIronmental Protection Agency, <br />the Comptroller General of the United <br />States. the U.S. Department of LabOr. <br />owner. and [the State water poJlution con- <br />trol agencyl or any of their duly authorized <br />representatives shall have. access to such <br />books. records, documents, and other e...l. <br />dence lor InspecUon. audit. and -copying. <br />The engineer will provide proper fe.clllt1es <br />tor such access and InsJleCtlon. <br />(b) The engineer agrees to include para. <br />graphs (a) through (el of thLs clause ,In all <br />his contracts and all tier subcontracts dI. <br />rectly related to project perfonnance that <br />are In excess 'of $10.000. <br />(c) Audits conducted under thts provfslon <br />shaJl be in accordance wIth generally ae. <br />cepted auditing standards and established <br />procedures and guldeUnes ot the reviewing <br />or audit agency<Jes). <br />(d) The engineer agrees to the disclosure <br />of all lnlonnation and reports resulting <br />from access to records under paragraphs (a) <br />and (b) of this' clause, to any of the agencIes <br />referred to in paragraph (a). provided that <br />the engineer is aftorded the opportunlt,Y for <br />an audit exIt conference and an opportunity <br />to comment and submit any support!ng doe. <br />umentatIon on the pertinent POrtions pI the <br />draft audIt report and that the finoJ audit <br />report wiJIlnclude written comments of rea. <br />80nable length, U any, of the engineer. <br />(e) The engmeershall malnteJn.and make <br />e.vaUable records under paragraphs (a) and <br />(b) of this cJause during perfonnance on <br />EPA grant work under this agreement and <br />until 3 years from the date of finoJ EPA <br />grant payment lor the project. In addItion. <br />those records which relate to any "Dlspute" <br />appeal under an EP A grant agreement, to <br />lltlgatlon, to the settlement of claims arts. <br />Ing out of such performance, or to costs or <br />Items to wh1eh an audlt exception has been <br />taken, shall be maintained and ma.cle avaUa. <br />ble untU 3 years after the date of resolution <br />of such appeal, litigation. claim. or excep. <br />tlon. <br /> <br />10. PRICE RZtJVCTION Foa DD'EC1'IVE COBr oa <br />PRtCING DATA <br /> <br />(Thll c14U8e u applicable fI the amount 01 <br />thu agreement e:ccud8 $100,000.) <br />(a) If the owner or EPA determines that <br />any price, Including profit, negotiated in <br />connection with this .agreement or any cost <br />reimbursable under this agreement was 1n~ <br />creaSed by any sIgni11cant sums because the <br />engineer OJ: any subcontractor furnished In. <br />complete or tnaccurate cost or pricing data <br /> <br />I <br />I. <br />I: <br />.: <br />Ii <br /> <br />FEDERAl. _ISTER, VOL 43. Il1O. I_WEDHESDAY, SEPTEMIlEl 27, 1978 <br />