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<br />. <br />.. " <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />'~ <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />or data not current as certified in his eertifl. <br />caUon of current cost or pricing data (EPA <br />form 5700-41). then such price. cost. or <br />profit shall be reduced accordingly and the <br />agreement shall be modi!led in writing to <br />reflect such reduction. <br />(bl Failure to agree on a reduction shall <br />be subject to the remedies clause or this <br />agreement. <br />(Nate.-Since t1u.' agrermtnt U subject to <br />reduction UMer thb clause btl n>ason of df'. <br />leeli'tJe cost or pric1ng data submitted in <br />connection until certain subcontract!. the <br />envtneer me, wi.ah to include a clause tn <br />each such 8ubcontract requiting the subean- <br />trudor to appropriatclJf indemnt/y the nlg(. <br />neer. It tI alao expected that any subcontrac- <br />tor subject to ~uch (ruljmnificatton will gen. <br />er4UU reQvtre substantiallY' BtmUar indemnf. <br />ftcation lor dI!/ective cod or pricing data re- <br />quired to be -submitted by his lower tier sufr. <br />-contJ"4Cton.) <br /> <br />11.8UBCOMTRACTS <br /> <br />(a) Any subcontr&c:tors and outside l\SSO' <br />elates or consultants required by the engi- <br />neer in connection wlth services undE'r this <br />agreement will be limited to such individ- <br />uals or firms B.S were specificeJly Idf'nUfted <br />and agreed to during ncgoLtatlons. or as the <br />owner specifically authortzes during the <br />performance of this agrtemt'nt. Tht' o~'ner <br />must give prior approval for, any substltu- <br />Llona In or additions to such subcontractors, <br />assoctates, or consultants. <br /><b) The engineer may not subcontract ser- <br />vices In exc,PBS of thirty (30) percent (or <br />_ percent, if the owner and the engi- <br />neer hereby agree) of the contract price to <br />subcontractors or consultants without the <br />owner's prior wrlUen approval. <br /> <br />12. LABOR STANDARDS <br /> <br />To the extent that this agrremcnt in- <br />volves "construction" (as defined by the <br />Secretary of Labor). the t>ngineer agrt'es <br />that such construction work shall be subject <br />to the fQllow1na labor standards provisions. <br />to the extent applicabJe: <br />(t.) Davis-Bacon Act ("0 U.S.c. 2'16a- <br />n8a-'l): <br /><b) Contract Work Hours and Safety <br />standards Act (40 U,6,C. 32'1,333); <br />(c) Copeland Antl-Ktekbaek Act (18 U,S.C. <br />874 J; and <br />(d) Executive Order 11248 (Equal Employ. <br />ment Opportunltyr, <br /> <br />and lmplemenUng ruJes, regulations, and <br />relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor or <br />EPA. The engineer further agrees .that this <br />..ementshall include and be subject to <br />"Labor Standards Provisions for Feder- <br />Assisted Construction Contracts" (EPA <br />form 5720-4) in efleet at the time of execu- <br />Uon of this agreetnent. <br /> <br />IS, EQUAL EMPLOYM'l:MT OP'PORnnnTY <br /> <br />In accordance wIth EPA polley as ex. <br />pressed In 40 em 30.420.5. the engineer <br />agrees that he Villi not dIscriminate against <br />any employee or appllcant for employment <br />because of race, TeUslon. color, sex, age, or <br />national origtn. <br /> <br />U. 11TIU'lATtOtf or SMALL AND MtNORIT'Y <br />BUSINESS <br /> <br />In aoeordance with EPA policy as ex. <br />pressed ,In 40 em 35.936-7, the eflglneer <br />agrees that qualified small business and ml. <br />norlLy buatness enterprises shaU have the <br />maximum. practicable opportunity to par- <br /> <br />RULES AND REGULATIONS <br /> <br />tfcipate' in the perfonnance of EPA grant. <br />assisted contracts and subcontracts. <br /> <br />lIS. COVJ:NANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES <br /> <br />The enBineer warrants that no person or <br />selllng agency has been employed or reo <br />tainC'd to solicit or secure this contract upon <br />an &lJreetnpnt or undel'St.a.nding for & com- <br />mission. percentage, brok('rage, or contin- <br />Bt'nt f('e, PlcE-pUng bona tide employt'es, 1o'or <br />brt'ach or violation oC "this warranlY Ihe <br />owner shall have the right to annul this <br />agret'ment without liabUity or In its dlscre. <br />Uon to dt:'duct from the conlract price or <br />const4eratton, or otherwise rrcover. the fun <br />amount ot such cornmlssion, percentage, <br />brokerage, or COnUnB(~nt fee. <br /> <br />I6.GRA.TUITIr.s . <br /> <br />(a) It It Is found. a.fter notice and hearing. <br />by the owner that the engineer. or any of <br />the engineer's agents or representatives, of- <br />fered or gave gratUities (in the fonn of en. <br />tertainment, gltls, or othervo'ise), to any orn- <br />elal, E'mployt>e, or agt"nt of Ihe owner, of the <br />State, or of EPA in an attempt .to secure a <br />contract or favorable treatment in a.....ard. <br />ing, amending, or making any determina- <br />tions related to the performance of this <br />agrt>ement, the 09mer may, by written <br />noUc.e t.o the engineer, termInate the right <br />of the engineer to proceed undC!r this agree- <br />ment. The owner may also - pur~>ue other <br />rlghL5 and remedies that the Jaw or thls <br />agreement proVides. However, the exIstell('e <br />of the facts upon which the owner bases <br />such findings shall be in ts.'lue and may be <br />reviewed In proceedings under the remedies <br />clause 01 this agreement. <br />(b) In the event this agn.-emf'nt Is tem1i. <br />nated as prOVided in paragraph tal h(!reol, <br />the owner shan be E'nUtJed: (1) To pursue <br />the,same remedies against the engineer as it <br />could pursue in the event of a brea('h of th(~ <br />contract by the engineer, and (2) as a penal- <br />ty, in addition to MY other damalU's 1-0 <br />which It may be entitled by la.w, to exempla' <br />ry damages In an amount (as determined by <br />the o~'ll('r) which shall be not less than 3 <br />nor more than 10 times the costs the engi- <br />neer Incurs In providing any such gratuities <br />to any such omcer or employee. <br /> <br />1'l_ PATENTS <br /> <br />1! this agreement involves research, devel- <br />opmental. experimental, or demonstration <br />work and any dIscovery or Invention arises <br />or Is developed tn the course of or <br />this agreetnf'nt. such Innntion or dl'lco\'cry <br />shall be subject to the reporting and rights <br />provisions of subpart 0 of 40 CPR, part 3D, <br />In effect on the date of execution of this <br />agreement. including appendix B of part 30. <br />In such case, the engineer shaH report the <br />dl.seovery or invention to EVA directly or' <br />through the owner, and shall otherwise <br />('amply with the owner's responsibiUtks In <br />accordance with subpart D of 40 Clo'lt tmrt <br />30. Thr C'ngiO(~cr agrcrs that tlw dispor.ltlol\ <br />01 rights to inventions made undcr this <br />tUIT("("ment shaH be in Qc-cordauce with the <br />terms and conditions of appendiX B. The en- <br />glnecr shalt fnc1ude apprqprlatc patent pro- <br />visions to achIeve th(' purpose of lhts rond!. <br />tion In aU subcontra('t,s Invoh1ng research, <br />developmental, experimental, or demonstrll- <br />Uon work. <br /> <br />t a, COPYRIGHTS .urn RIGH'TS IN DATA <br /> <br />(a) The Mslneer agrees that any plans, <br />drawings. designs, specifications, computer <br /> <br />44093 <br /> <br />programs (which are substantially paid for <br />with EPA grant funds). technical reports. <br />operating manuals, and other work .submit. <br />ted with a step 1 facilities plan or wlth a <br />step 2 or step 3 grant application or which <br />are specified to be deUvered under, this <br />agreement or whIch are developed or pro- <br />duced and paid for under this agreement <br />(referrt'd to In this cJause as "Subject <br />Data") are subject to the rights In the <br />Unit('d Stairs, as set torth In subpart D 01 <br />40 CJo'lt part 30 and in appendix C to 40 <br />CF'R part 30, In eHeet on the date of execu- <br />tion, of this agreement. These righls include <br />the right to use, dupUcate, and disclose such <br />subject dala, 'In whole or In part.. in any <br />mann<<'r for any purpose whatsoever, and to <br />have othl'rs do so. For purposes of thiS <br />dRum', "granLee" as used In appendiX C <br />refers to the engineer. If the materla1ls Co- <br />pyrightable, the engineer may copyright 1t, <br />M appt'ndlx C pcnnils, subject to the righLs <br />In the Government in appendiX C, but the <br />o\\:ner and the Federal Government reserve <br />a royatty-fr~e, nonexclusive, and irrevocable <br />liC'cose to reproduce, publish, and use such <br />materials. In whole or In part, and to autho- <br />rize othl"r8 to do so. The engIn~er shall in- <br />clude appropriate provisions to achieve the <br />purpose 01 this condition in aU subcontracts <br />expected to produce copyrightable subject <br />data. <br />lb) AIl such subject data rumtshed by the <br />engineer pursuant to this agreement are In. <br />strumrnts of his services in respect of the <br />project.. It is understood that the engineer <br />docs not represent such subject data to be <br />suitable for reuse on any other project or <br />for any olher purpose, If .the owner reuses <br />the subjf'et data without the engIneer's spe. ' <br />('Hie wrIttt'n verification or adaptatton, such <br />reuse '\I.'ill be at the rIsk of the owner. with- <br />out linblUty to the engineer. Any such ver- <br />ifiC'atlon or adaptation wl11 entitle the E'nJrl- <br />n('{lor to further compensation at rates <br />agr('cd upon by the OYlner and the engineer. <br /> <br />fEDERAL REGlmr, VOL 43, NO. 188-WEDNESllAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1918 <br />