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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />::::xe:e"!)t as ct~1er"Tise ~rovi.d.ed, tl'.e "unicinalit:' s'1.all Got r;e call<:-c. <br /> <br />t:.:)o1'1 to e.SSQ'":le ar:.~r lia::ilit;t ::'01'" :.1":e .~,-iY'ect '1:9.>r:::.ent of' e~nY salar-ies.. <br /> <br />',',rap"es ~ or ot~:~!" co:~me!lsa..~ion to an~t Count.,,~ TJerso!l:1el ~'erfor:;;inr services <br /> <br /> for said MUr!ic: palit:r, and t:-:~ ('ount~,J ~ere1;y ass'U..""'les said. li.3.1~ilit ies. <br /> <br />~xceryt as he~ein s:)eci!'ied, t~e ':unicinalit,r 2!1all !"lot ce <br /> <br />liabl~ for or inc.e:;;mi ty to an:,r r'cu:r.t~" e:::'G:o"~ee for ir..;ur.., or <br /> <br />siCKneS3 arisin~ out of t~is emplo~rrr:ent, and t~e Cou~ty ~eres~~ a~rees to hold <br /> <br />~":e..rmless the '~unici"pali t:T ag-ainst a~:r such clai~. <br /> <br />c <br />, . <br /> <br />-:='he ;-:unicipali t:-~, i t:= of:'icers and eTr.:01o:r~es, s~8.11 not 1.::e!1e:::l <br /> <br />to ass~~e any liacility for the intentional or neglia,ent acts of t~e County <br /> <br />or t~e Count:r's e~nlo7~es ryerfo~in~ services nu~suant to t~is ~cree~ent~ a~d <br /> <br />the County shall hold the 'funici~ality, its officers and emr,lovees tar~less <br /> <br />frot:1. and shall defe-nd tte 'funicinalit:r~ lts officers ar.d e~jr:Jlo:rees, a~8..inst <br /> <br />an::~ clair.! for danages arisi!1P: fro::Tt the uerfor:-.ance of tIlis }'r.-reem~nt. <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br /> J~.,sreeme!J.t shall co!:',.mence Janua.r7 1, 1983 <br /> <br />and st.,.all 'te :.n <br /> <br />effect ~ntil Jece~ber 31, <br /> <br />1983 . <br /> <br />?it"ler "part~,. may teITlinate t' t',O"ree:'!ler:t <br /> <br />liT-on ninety (Q()) c1a7!S ~,'ri tten notice to the other Darty. <br /> <br />In this event, the <br /> <br />?roperty listed in t~e ~erei::1 attac:--,ed ?'xhic,i t "3" or its fur.ctional or <br /> <br />general equivale!:ts, shall be returned to t"he ~'uniciDality. <br /> <br />7. :he ~<unicipali ty aGrees to na7 t:-.e Coun:.:r the actual cost of <br /> <br />perfo~inS' 3.11 services coyered G;" this agreemer.t. <br /> <br />Costs s~all i~clude <br /> <br />salaries o~ e~?loy~es e~~afed in ~erfo~i~G sa:d services, includin~ a ~~o <br /> <br />rata o! vacation and sick leave, mileage, unifor!"r..s, put-lie e!:';:Jlo~rees <br /> <br />retire~ent co~tri~utions, ~;orker's cc~~e~satiop- insuranc~ nreLiQ~s, ~eneral <br /> <br />over~eaQ, includi~~ indirect eX~enses and su~~lies~ radio unit ex~ense, <br /> <br />health ar.d welfare expense, and ~olice professional liability i~surance <br /> <br />u:?on '..r~ic=:, i::. addition to the ("ount:r~ t:-.e T";unici":"Jalit;: shall ~e a na.rr..ed <br /> <br />insured. <br /> <br />-3- <br />