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<br />~\e p!'oposec. costs for calendar ;.rear ~983 are as set !"orth in -:~e <br /> <br />..l-983Eudget ::stimate, '.Jre-ce..rec. QU tree :::"01L'1ty, .,r:-':-:ic:--. i3 e.ttaG::ed her8to <br /> <br />and ~ade a "8art r~ereof as rX":i~lit .',:',". Costs as used ~:e.!"ein shall ~;.ot <br /> <br />includ~ ite~s of eX0ense attri~uta~le to Rervices or ~acili~ies ~o~.al1y <br /> <br />"?1"cvided or available to all cities ~,.rithin t~e County as ,?art of tbe <br /> <br />Sounty's o"clL~ation to e~force ~tate la.~..r~ <br /> <br />Actual comnutation of apnlicable costs ~ereunde!' shall ~e ~ade ~~ <br /> <br />. t1:e ::::~se? ':OU!1t~r :2udzet and /;_ccountine: office based on ir.."!'o:rr!lation "9rovic1ed. <br /> <br />ty the Sherif:' and "?a:rment therefor shall 'he made "t'7 the;)a1it~r on t>:<:- <br /> <br />County' s :nont::l~J' state~'2nt 6 <br /> <br />An esti~ate of said costs for -198~, and for succeedin~ years in t~p <br /> <br />event ~~is aGreenent is extende~, s~all be furnis~ed ~y t~e Count v to t~~ <br /> <br />~unicipa1ity no less than one ~ont~ p~ior to the ccrr~ence~e~t o~ t~e contract <br /> <br />te~. 2aid estimate shall ~e made fo~ t~e lim:ted ~uruose of t~tter enatlinrr <br /> <br />the mu~ich)a1i t:r to estinate its l:uG.p:et. <br /> <br />It is uncerstood b:'T t;",e narties to <br /> <br />this agreement t~at said estimates s~a1l in r.o way prevent t~e Countv from <br /> <br />charging its actual costs. <br /> <br />S. It is ur;.derstooc that ~rosecutior..s for violations of ordir.ance <br /> <br />or state statute ~ tOG:ether ....ri th dis':)os i.tion 0-<:''' all ..~ines collected nursuant <br /> <br />tt~ereto, <br /> <br />8::a11 ~e <br /> <br />in accorda!lce wi t':1 t~e ?a."Tlse;,r ~ounty "unic: nal ("ourt <br /> <br />~, ("+ <br />. .._" ~ <br /> <br />"innesota Star-ute, C::apter 488..~_. <br /> <br />~ ~~e ?a~~e1 Cou~tv C~erif~'s office s~all sU2~it to t~e <br /> <br />"u!1ici?alit~r :nont!"_l~,T activit:r re~o!"t~ detailic~ t:-:~ activities 0:"" t~~ <br /> <br />Sheriff's of:!'ice ,'Tit~i!1 t::e Cit-'r. f:aid renorts shall cO;'ltair: at least t:':',e <br /> <br />follo~\; ir::!'or::n.ation: ,riles ~atrollec., hours 'J2.trollec., ntL.'1'! of calls <br /> <br />2.Ds,.;ered, <br /> <br />nQ~bp.r of ticYets issued. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I, <br />-,- <br />