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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />l:j.:-:-lT:ce the '~a:to!" is: the r":-:ief ~~a~ir "nfor~e:::e~t 'if:'icer of <br /> <br />:'~e "t:.r;icinalit~_r, eit>er he or ~li.S desi.snate S~2.1l 3.ct as liai.son -:0 <br /> <br />t:-:e S~:eriff' s de!,-,art~e!1t. <br /> <br />11. It is 'Understood bet":vee!"_ the ?e.rties r!ereto ur-on <br /> <br />notice given by either ?arty, ne~otiations ~rill be underta~en for t~e <br /> <br />"'Ou!'nOse of revisir:.?, aClQlng or striY-i!1~ an;:' of the nrovisions of' t?'.is <br /> <br />contract ~~ic~ it anpears are in dis~ute, are unyorka~le, or are <br /> <br />insufficient as ~erein set forth; and t"he.t such cha.nges, if' a..".')v, ~,,~hen <br /> <br />azreed to, '-'Till ce enter-=d "8:;- su::mle!n~ntal contract, ~lr.ich s!lall haye <br /> <br />the sa.'11e effect as t:~ough it had been ori;:inall~r a nrovisio!l of tn.:s <br /> <br />-'\':r!"eement. <br /> <br />12. It is furt".:-er understood t1:at t~is .':_::reement 3~'!all tayp- <br /> <br />effect u~on cei~g ap?roved and executed cy bot~ narties tereto. ~he <br /> <br />('o-u.nt:,.. agrees to notify the ~'unici "0ali t:! fort.....,~.....i t.....l. upon said aouroval <br /> <br />':1::, the Board of COTI'nissioners. <br /> <br />13. ~his tgreemer.t shall ~e effective as of <br /> <br />VV83 <br /> <br />I:~ ~.'!IT~'TE3S ~'nIT:?~o?' ~ the :;ity of ~.rder. Hills t '!:::r resolution c.ulv <br /> <br />ado'Pted by its G-overninrs- 5ody, has caused this :\.C\reement to be sip:nec. :V~ <br /> <br />its ~(a.~.;or ar.d Clerk .~d..1'1inistrator and t::e seal o:!" t1:e "uniciCla.lit", to te <br /> <br />affixec: 'cereto On t'oe cPr! da" of ~~fA11Jfj),) 19ces, "lee ~ountv of "a!l'sev <br /> <br />",:;~, resol1J.tion of :::. ts 30ard of C::Ol.l::.t:'T C'o!:"C.iss:oners, ';as caused. t~ese <br /> <br />preser:ts to ""2,= su"tscri.....ed r;' the ('~air::lan and =xecuti'IC Secr-=tar~.~ 07' sc:d.C:. <br /> <br />?oarc. ar:d tl-'.e <br /> <br />seal <br /> <br />ot saii 30ard to <br /> <br />1-,? a-l"".....'x,."d <br />'u' /'-'-' <br />, z:v:::: <br />---- <br /> <br />thereto and <br /> <br />attested r~,r t:-:::!- <br /> <br />sald .::c~d on <br /> <br />;28~ <br /> <br />da;~ of <br /> <br />l~r <br /> <br />t:-:e <br /> <br />-;- <br />