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<br />. <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Count.y Audit.or of Ramsey Count.y requires <br />that. apport.ionment. of the original assessment. against. each <br />original tract. where it. has been divided, sold or con- <br />veyed, be made by the Cit.y Council of t.he Cit.y of Arden Hills, <br />in order that. the proper assessment. can be ext.ended by the <br />Count.y Auditor against. each parcel of propert.y thereafter. <br />NOll, THEREFORE, the Cit.y Council of t.he Cit.y of Arden <br />Hills does hereby make the following apport.ionment. of original <br />assessments as contained in said assessment roll of August 21, <br />1979, against the following described propert.ies: <br /> <br />. <br />