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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 11 <br />Councilmember Fabel said they didn't know if they were in the ballpark. <br />After further discussion staff was directed to gather contract information from other cities, along <br />with other cell tower vendors in the City, and bring the item back to Council. <br />E. Franchise Fees Discussion <br />City Administrator Perrault said this was a continuation from the August work session and <br />whether the Council wants to consider franchise fees as a way of funding some capital projects. <br />The PIR Fund looks healthy but could use more funding, but the Public Safety Fund and <br />Government Equipment Building Fund will be negative, in part due to the new fire station starting <br />construction in 2026 and the revised CIP. In order to raise $400,000 in franchise fees, Xcel <br />projects it would require a residential monthly fee of $2.00 on electric and $2.25 on gas, for a total <br />of $51 annually between the two. A comparable tax levy increase of $400,000 would equate to an <br />annual increase between $55 and $60 on a median priced home ($469,000). <br />Councilmember Holden was disappointed that the funding wouldn't include trails. Even if they <br />bond for trails they need to pay the bonds off. If they get state bonding, will the City cost go down <br />or just the County's? It is unknown now as there's not an agreement. <br />City Administrator Perrault replied that the numbers were based off the July CIP. There were <br />numbers with and without the trails. Franchise fees are for the baseline not including trails <br />because the trails aren't guaranteed or solidified in the budget yet. The County trail on Lake <br />Johanna is in their TIP plan, but that is dependent on receiving funding, and the Old Highway 10 <br />plan isn't in a County plan or in the CIP. Regardless of the trails there are still funding issues that <br />need to be fixed. <br />Councilmember Fabel stated he was opposed to a franchise fee system. He felt if they need <br />money for the various funds they should levy for what they need. He thought people would want <br />to know why they were being charged a fee for something that has no relationship to the fee itself. <br />Moreover, the fees would be the same for a $2 million home as a $200,000 home and that wasn't <br />fair. <br />Councilmember Monson said she would like to have public engagement on the topic that would <br />include where the City would use it. She would be open to an open house with a presentation and <br />asking residents if they were going to give franchise fees where would they want them to go. She <br />would like to have all the information presented at an open house or public hearing at as Council <br />meeting. <br />Councilmember Rousseau thought they needed to be specific about why they think we need <br />franchise fees, and also create awareness around the water meter project and make people really <br />aware of the taxes and fees that are going toward their houses. <br />Councilmember Holden agreed with an open house but thought they also needed to show the <br />trails in addition to public safety. <br />Mayor Grant thought they should make a running list of some of the things that are upcoming <br />such as fire trucks, fire station, fire chiefs, extending trail to Highway 96, Lake Johanna Trail, and <br />
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