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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 12 <br />additional fees from St. Paul water. The question to the public is do they value the items to the <br />point that they are willing to do a franchise fee. If they do franchise fees they owe it to the public <br />to tell them exactly where the fee is going. He favored an open house to get feedback. <br />Councilmember Fabel didn't see why it should be any different than any budget hearing they <br />have. They are asking people how they'd like to spend money raised by the City whether it is <br />raised by levy and a direct property tax or this indirect form of taxation, which is an unequal form <br />of taxation, and irrational in many ways. He thought which of the funds need to be funded should <br />be part of their overall budget discussion and put in the tax base. He felt the rational way of taxing <br />at the city level was to impose a property tax. <br />Councilmember Holden said that being in a joint agreement with two other cities they don't have <br />the option to say they aren't going to buy a fire truck. <br />Councilmember Monson said she wasn't committing one way or another but she did want <br />resident's opinions on a franchise fee. <br />Councilmember Holden stated this was a less regressive tax because lower income people get <br />energy assistance so the franchise fee gets significantly lower based on use and payment, where <br />property taxes are regressive. <br />Further discussion ensued on a timeline for an open house. It was decided that April may be a <br />good time and it was suggested that a representative from Xcel Energy be invited to attend <br />F. Sound Wall Discussion <br />City Administrator Perrault explained that the City has discussed pursuing a potential sound <br />barrier in the city, typically along Old Highway 10 and Highway 96 south of Wedgewood Circle. <br />Highway 51 and Glenhill area were also discussed. MnDOT is accepting applications this year <br />through December 31St for 2029 sound barrier projects. Should the City want to submit an <br />application and be awarded a project, the City would be responsible for 10 percent of the cost. Did <br />Council want staff to continue to pursue this? <br />Councilmember Holden wondered what the City's ranking was last time. <br />City Administrator Perrault said this year with every application they will do a noise reading, <br />then base the ranking on cost effectiveness, number of people served, etc. <br />Councilmember Monson said she would advocate for applying and even if they win they don't <br />have to do it. <br />Mayor Grant noted some of the costs could be assessed. <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked if there were concerns that residents wouldn't want it. <br />Mayor Grant responded that they have received written petition from most of the people on <br />Highway 10 wanting the sound wall. <br />