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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Excent as other.:ise ,.,rovided, tc.e ..unicinalitv shall not re called <br /> <br />unon to ass~e an~ liability for the direct ns:noent of an" salaries, <br /> <br />~a~e5, or ot~er c~nensation to any County ~ersonnel ner~o~in~ services <br /> <br />~ereunder for said Munici?Slity, and the County ~ereby assumes said lia~ilitie5. <br /> <br />!".xce,t as !1erein ot!~entise snecified ~ tne ~:u."'1icinalit~,. shall !lot ce <br /> <br />liable for com~ensation or inde~nity to any rounty e~nlo~ee for i~jury or <br /> <br />sicy-ness arising out of this ernplo:~ent, and the Cou.nty hereby agrees to hold <br /> <br />harmless the :!u.~ici~ality a~ainst any such claim. <br /> <br />.~ <br />/. <br /> <br />':'''e '!unicipali t:', its officers and em"loyees, shall not be dee",ed <br /> <br />to assume any liability for the intentional or ne~li~ent acts of the County <br /> <br />or t~e Count~r's e~~loy~es ~erfo~in~ services ~ursuant to t~is r~ree~ent, and <br /> <br />the County s!'lall hold the ',!u.~ici,?alit:', its of:'icers and ennlovees harmless <br /> <br />fro" and shall defend the "unici"alit:" its officers and ernnloyees, al'ainst <br /> <br />ar..~f clain for dW!l.ages arisin.c:; fro:'!l the 1)erfoIT'..a.nce of' this .:A.f"reern~nt. <br /> <br />6. ':'his Agreement shall corr"~ence Janu~, 1, 1982 <br /> <br />, and shall be in <br /> <br />ef:'ect until Jece!:Jber 31, 1982 <br /> <br />Fit' !1a.rt~r :nay te!'!:linate t-:-:is .~p"re~:nent <br /> <br />unon ninety (nG) days written notice to the other narty. :n this event, the <br /> <br />"Jropert:r listed in t!1e "erein attac~ed ?.xhibit "3" or its functional or <br /> <br />~eneral equivalents, shall be returned to the ':unicinality. <br /> <br />7. :he ':u.~icipality agrees to nay the County the actual cost of <br /> <br />T-lerfor::zin~ 9.11 services covered 1-::r t!'1is ae:reer.:.ent. Costs s~all include <br /> <br />salaries of e~71oy~ez enrared in ?erfo~in~ said services, includin~ ~ ~~o <br /> <br />rata o~ vacation and sick leave, ~ilear.e, unifc~s, pUblic en~lo:~~es <br /> <br />retir~~ent cor.tri~utions, vor~erts co~ne~sation insuranc~ nre~i~s, ~en~r~l <br /> <br />over~eac, includi~~ i~direct ex~e~5e5 and su~~lies~ radio unit p.x~e~se, <br /> <br />~ealt~ a~d ~elfare ex~ense, and police professional liability i~surance <br /> <br />u~on ~.Jhic~, in addition to the ro'Ur.t~r, tte ~unici~a1it~r s~!il1 ~~ a r.a.."r..o.d <br /> <br />insured. <br /> <br />-3- <br />