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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The pronosed costs for calendar year 1982 are as set forth in tbe <br />~ 3udset ~stimate, prepared by the :ounty, w~ich'is attached hereto <br />and :!lade a 1"Jart hereof as ~x;,ibit "A". Costs as used herein shall not <br />include ite:!ls of ex~ense attributable to services or facilities no~elly <br />provided or available to all cities ~ithin the County as ?art of the <br />County's obli~ation to enforce 2tate la~. <br />Actual comnutation of apnlicable costs hereunder shall he made cy <br />the Ja::1sey ':'ounty Budget and Accounting office based on in'!"or=nation provided <br />by the Sheriff and na:nnent therefor shall be made b:' the municinalitv on the <br />County's monttly state~ent. <br /> <br />P,n esti::late of said costs for 1982 , and for succeedi"", years in t",e <br /> <br />event this a~reement is extended, shall be fUrniseed bv t;,e County to tee <br /> <br />~unicipality no less than one ~onth prior to t~e comnence~ent of t~e contract <br /> <br />term. raid estimate shell be made for the limited pumOse of tetter enatlin~ <br /> <br />the municinality to estinate its budGet. It is uneerstood by t~e narties to <br />this agre~ent ttat said estimates shall in no way prevent tte County from <br />c~arging its actual costs. <br />8. It is understood that nrosecutions for violations of ordinance <br />or state statute, together with disnosition of all fines collected nursuant <br />thereto, s~all ~~ in accorda~ce W'it~ t~e ?a"Tlsey ~ount~,. vunic~~al('ourt ./I,.ct.. <br />. !innesota Statute, Chapter 488.~-_. <br />~ ':1;e ?e..":lseY C'ounty 2~erifi"s office s~all sU::lit to t!1e <br />'~u:lic1palit7 :nontr:l:,1' activity. !"e71ort~ detailir.!:.": t!:e activitie~ of t""!.~ <br />Sheriff' 5 of!"ice ;rit'-1in tte Cit:r. Saij reports shall contain at least t~e <br />follcr:,~in_c:, i r.for=atio!'l: ~~iles i":atrollea, hours ":latroll ec 't ntL"".~er of calls <br /> <br />ans~ered, ~~cp-r of tickets issued. <br /> <br />-4- <br />