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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />lC. ~ince tne ,wayor is t~e r'~ie:r ~av ?ntorceme!!t ..,fficer of <br /> <br />t~e "ur.icipalit~r, eit~er he or 'lis desi!;nate s!'>all act as liaison to <br />t~e S~eriff's de~art~ent. <br />11. It is understood bet~een the ~arties hereto t~at upon <br />notice given by either Party, ne~otiations will be undertaken for t~e <br />purnose of revisin~, adding or strikinf any of ,the provisions of this <br />contract w~ic~ it a~pears are in dis~ute~ are unyorkable, or ar~ <br /> <br />insufficient as 'lerein set forth; and that sue" changes, if any, when <br /> <br />agreed to, will be entered by sunnlemental contract, ~r.ich shall have <br /> <br />the same effect as t'lough it had been originall:' a provision of tr,;s <br />,',greement. <br /> <br /> <br />12. It is further understood that this Agreement shall take <br /> <br /> <br />effect unon being approved and executed by both parties hereto. !he <br /> <br /> <br />Cou-~ty agrees to notify the "unicipality forthwith upon said aonroval <br /> <br /> <br />by the Board of C~issioners. <br /> <br /> <br />13. 'This Agreement shall 'oe effective as of JanualY 1, 1982 . <br /> <br /> <br />~ f~TCffiSS ~rrlE?~F, the City of ~rden Hills, by resolution duly <br /> <br /> <br />adopted by its ~overning Body, has caused this ~~reement to be signed b" <br /> <br /> <br />its ):a:ror and Clerk "dr.1inistrator and t!:e seal of the "unicinalitv to be <br /> <br />affixe~ ~ereto on the <br /> <br />19 <br /> <br />t~e ::;ou.'":Jt~, of '""a'l'!se" <br /> <br />da"!! of <br /> <br />t? resolution of its 30ard of Count;!' C"o:nr.'~ssioners, ~as caused t~ese <br /> <br />presents to te su~scri~ed r,y the Cta:~a~ a~d :xecutive 2ecret~r' o~ said <br /> <br />?oerc! ar:.d the seal of sai::t 30cd to 't-e af~ixed thereto and attested 1"..,. t~~ <br /> <br />said 3ca:~ on t~e <br /> <br />da? of <br /> <br />1",_. <br /> <br />-5- <br />