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6.1 General to All Zoning Districts <br />1 <br /> 6.1 General to All Zoning Districts (a) Building Frontage Designations: The Building Frontage designations are established on the Regulating Plan (Attachment 1) to specify certain building and site development standards along each street based on the priority placed on pedestrian-orientation. The Regulating Plan illustrates the Building Frontage designations within the TRC. For the purposes of this code, all Building Frontages are classified into one of the following three categories: i. Pedestrian Priority Frontages – Pedestrian Priority Frontages are intended to provide the most pedestrian-friendly and contiguous development context. Buildings and sites along Pedestrian Priority Frontages shall be held to the highest standard of pedestrian-oriented design and few, if any, gaps shall be permitted in the ‘Street Wall’. Breaks in the street wall may be permitted for courtyards, forecourts, sidewalk cafes and pedestrian connections between the individual sites and the public sidewalk. These street frontages are the main retail, restaurant, entertainment streets, or are important neighborhood connectors, as identified in the Regulating Plan. 1. Specific to Pedestrian Priority Frontages: The area between the building facade and property line or edge of any existing sidewalk along any street with Pedestrian Priority Frontage shall be designed such that the sidewalk width shall be a minimum as determined by the street type (see Attachment 4) and the remainder of any setback area shall be paved flush with the public sidewalk. Sidewalk cafes, public art, landscaping within tree-wells or planters may be incorporated within this area.