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6.1 General to All Zoning Districts <br />2 <br /> <br />Illustration showing requirements along Pedestrian Priority Frontages only <br /> ii. Pedestrian-Friendly Frontages – Pedestrian-Friendly Frontages are also intended to be pedestrian-oriented with a mostly contiguous development context. However, in some locations, where access to a General Frontage street or Alley is not available, Pedestrian-Friendly Frontages may need to accommodate driveways, parking, service/utility functions, and loading and unloading. In such cases, Pedestrian-Friendly Frontages may balance pedestrian orientation with automobile accommodation. Typically, they shall establish a hybrid development context that has a more pedestrian-supportive development context at street intersections and accommodates auto-related functions and surface parking in the middle of the block. Surface parking shall be screened from the roadway following the Street Screen Standards in Section 10.4. Pedestrian-Friendly Frontages are designated on the Regulating Plan. iii. General Frontages – General Frontages are intended to accommodate more auto-oriented uses, surface parking and service functions on a site with a more suburban/automobile orientation. The General Frontages shall be building frontages not designated as either a Pedestrian Priority or Pedestrian-Friendly Frontage on the Regulating Plan. Surface parking shall be screened following the Street Screen Standards in Section 10.4.