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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION — October 4, 2023 <br />recommended the language be reconsidered to include the language from the Minnesota Solar <br />Model Ordinance. She commented on how south facing rooflines were with most efficient way to <br />capture solar energy. She requested clarification in Item 3(b) regarding the height of panels above <br />a roof. She discussed how some roof systems are raised up when installed. She suggested five feet <br />be allowed. She asked that there be a change to Section 4 — Coverage, under Section A. She <br />questioned why the City was setting a limit of 80% coverage for south facing or flat roofs. She <br />urged staff to update this outdated language noting Minnesota State building code addresses the <br />percentage of roof coverage. She commented further on how Minnesota State building code <br />addresses structural concerns when it comes to solar energy systems. <br />Commissioner Wicklund asked if all installers of ground mounted systems were governed by <br />Minnesota rule codes or statutes, and this addressed wind loads for structures. <br />Ms. DeMarre reported this was the case. She explained each new code that comes out on a yearly <br />basis addresses wind load for ground mounted structures. <br />Commissioner Weber indicated this code specifically addresses ground mounted solar systems. <br />He inquired if the Minnesota State Building Code addresses ground mounted systems. <br />Ms. DeMarre discussed how ground mounted systems were addressed within the State building <br />code. <br />There being no additional comment Chair Vijums closed the public hearing at 7:59 p.m. <br />Chair Vijums commented his concerns regarding power lines would be satisfied by Minnesota <br />Statutes and Minnesota building code. The Commission was in agreement. <br />Chair Vijums indicated his other concern was with visibility and screening. He stated he was <br />under the impression staff should investigate this portion of code further. <br />Chair Wicklund recommended staff also consider if it would be appropriate to add NR-1, NR-2 <br />and NR-3 within the TRC to this zoning code amendment. He stated he supported the expansion <br />of solar in Arden Hills. However, because there was no urgency, he supported the matter being <br />tabled to allow staff and the Commission to work through some of the concerns that have been <br />brought up. <br />Chair Vijums supported this recommendation and thanked staff for all of their efforts on the <br />drafted code amendment language. <br />Commissioner Weber reported staff referenced the Minnesota Solar Model Ordinance within the <br />zoning code amendment. He explained his understanding of this language was that homeowners <br />had the right to pursue the ownership of solar energy. He was of the opinion neighbors could not <br />limit a resident's right to pursue solar energy. He asked for staff s opinion on this matter. <br />Senior Planner Fransen indicated this was staffs interpretation when drafting the language for <br />the proposed process of administrative approval for solar energy systems. <br />Chair Vijums read the language the Applicant provided for the proposed zoning code amendment <br />again for the record stating "ground mounted solar panels are not allowed unless their view is <br />blocked to all parties concerned." <br />