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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION — October 4, 2023 9 <br />Commissioner Weber believed this language was a good reason to table action on the zoning <br />code amendment. However, he indicated concern with adding requirements to the drafted <br />ordinance that would increase the cost of solar energy systems. He feared that adding requirements <br />to the drafted ordinance language would limitaccess to solar. He supported the City fleshing this <br />out before approving the zoning code amendment. He commented his concern was that delaying <br />this matter would increase costs for those trying to install a solar energy system yet this fall. It was <br />his opinion that adding additional screening requirements would put up barriers. <br />Commissioner Collins indicated he had an issue with the City trying to dictate what the systems <br />could look like for the neighbors. He stated he had an issue with the Commission establishing <br />aesthetics requirements for solar energy systems. He noted solar arrays are always going to have <br />a utilitarian look because they are a metal structure with black panels. He questioned how a delay <br />would benefit the City. <br />Chair Vijums offered that the Arden Hills zoning code currently references requirements for <br />screening when applicable. <br />Commissioner Bjorklund feared that screening requirements would create huge barriers for <br />residents seeking solar energy systems. He supported the Commission moving forward with the <br />zoning code amendment. <br />Commissioner Weber recommended the Commission address the TRC zoning districts that <br />should be added to the code language prior to voting on this matter. <br />Commissioner Wicklund suggested the four residential zoning districts within the TRC be <br />included in this zoning code amendment. He stated another option for the Commission to consider <br />is neighbor consent for solar energy systems, as was included in the zoning code amendment for <br />the keeping of chickens. <br />Commissioner Weber stated he could support moving this item forward. <br />Chair Viiums moved and Commissioner Wicklund seconded a motion to table action on <br />Planning Case 23-018 a Zoning Code Amendment to Chapter 13 of the Arden Hills City Code <br />to allow Solar Energy System as an Accessory Use in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 Residential <br />Districts to a future Planning Commission meeting requesting staff address visibility, <br />aesthetics, screening and the TRC zoning districts, as well as addressing the comments from <br />All Energy Solar. The motion failed 3-3 (Commissioners Biorklund, Collins and Weber <br />opposed). <br />Commissioner Collins moved and Commissioner Biorklund seconded a motion to <br />recommend approval of Planning Case 23-018 for a Zoning Code Amendment to Chapter 13 <br />of the Arden Hills City Code to allow Solar Energy System as an Accessory Use in the R-1, <br />R-2, and R-3 Residential Districts, based on the findings of fact and the submitted materials <br />with amendments to add the word "not" to Section A 4(b). <br />Commissioner Weber supported the Commission adding language to the motion for approval <br />directing staff to add the residential zoning districts within the TRC. <br />