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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION — October 4, 2023 10 <br />Community Development Director Jagoe reported if this was the direction of the Planning <br />Commission, she indicated that the case should be tabled as there are other aspects of the TRC that <br />staff should review and to provide appropriate notice for the ordinance language that affects <br />another chapter of the zoning code. <br />The motion failed 3-3 (Commissioner Blilie, Commissioner Wicklund and Chair Viiums <br />opposed). <br />Chair Viiums moved and Commissioner Wicklund seconded a motion to table action on <br />Planning Case 23-018 a Zoning Code Amendment to Chapter 13 of the Arden Hills City Code <br />to allow Solar Energy System as an Accessory Use in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 Residential <br />Districts to a future Planning Commission meeting requesting staff address visibility, <br />aesthetics, screening and the TRC zoning districts, as well as addressing the comments from <br />All Energy Solar. The motion passed 4-2 (Commissioners Biorklund and Collins opposed). <br />UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS <br />None. <br />REPORTS <br />A. Report from the City Council <br />Councilmember Rousseau provided the Commission with an update from the City Council. She <br />explained the 23 homes have submitted requests with Just Deeds to help discharge the racial <br />covenants on their deeds. She encouraged the Commissioners to attend an open house on <br />Wednesday, November 1 for Rice Creek Commons from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Ramsey <br />County Public Works Building in the Marsden Room. She stated the Council would be meeting <br />with Representative Frethem, Representative Moller and Senator Marty regarding Lake Johanna <br />Boulevard on Monday, November 20 at a special worksession meeting. She explained the Primer <br />Tracer property was still being bid on. She reported the Council approved a preliminary levy of <br />12.55% for 2024. She indicated the Council would be holding a vision setting retreat in the first <br />quarter of 2024 and invited the Commission to consider projects the City Council should be <br />incorporating in the vision for 2024 and 2025. <br />B. Planning Commission Comments and Requests <br />None. <br />ADJOURN <br />Chair Viiums moved, seconded by Commissioner Wicklund, to adiourn the October 4, 2023, <br />Planning Commission Meeting at 8:29 p.m. The motion carried unanimously (6-0). <br />