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01-03-24 PC Packet
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01-03-24 PC Packet
Entry Properties
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Page 7 of 16 <br /> <br />and will comply with structure setback requirement and other district regulations. The proposed <br />canopy and the attendant shelter will meet district height requirements at 16 feet and 10.4 feet <br />tall, respectively. <br /> <br />C. Lighting – Meets Requirements <br />The Zoning Code requires exterior lighting to be consistent in type, design, scale, and color to <br />create unity in the Districts. Exterior lighting for parking lots and buildings shall not be <br />excessive and shall be directed at their intended purposes. Any light or combination of lights <br />shall not cast light that exceeds a meter reading of one foot candle on the travel lanes of <br />adjoining public streets or 0.4 foot candles on adjoining residential property. <br /> <br />The proposed plan includes traditional poly mounted area lights at 23 feet to the top of the <br />fixture, canopy lighting under the canopy, and wall sconces on the building. The vacuum arms <br />will provide illumination with linear LED lights. The proposed lighting is consistent with the use <br />and the surrounding area. The Applicant has submitted a photometric plan that identifies the <br />types of light fixtures and quantities. The Subject Property is not adjacent to a residential <br />property. The photometric plan shows that proposed lighting will not exceed a meter reading of <br />one foot candle on the travel lanes on Lexington Avenue. As a condition of approval, all lighting <br />shall be downward directed shoebox style with flush lenses. Details about the proposed lighting <br />are found in Attachment F. <br /> <br />Planning Staff will add that the Applicant identified on the signage plans yellow accent tube <br />lighting that would be located at the top elevation of the tower structures. Additionally, the tube <br />lighting is proposed atop the east elevation arched roofline which would also be visible to the <br />roadway. These forms of illumination were not included on the photometric plan or as part of <br />the building elevation review. The Planning Commission should provide comment on the use of <br />tube lighting as part of the building design. The Applicant provided information that these <br />lighting features would have an insignificant impact on illumination to the roadway or the <br />adjacent sites and renderings can be seen in Attachment J. <br /> <br />D. Screening and Fencing – Flexibility Requested <br />Screens and fencing help minimize adverse impacts of public nuisances, such as noise. There are <br />trash enclosure/vacuum enclosure buildings proposed for the Subject Property. One is located <br />toward the northwest corner of the property and will enclose the dumpster and mechanical <br />equipment for the self-serve vacuum operations. This enclosure will feature a metal trash <br />enclosure gate and a metal door for accessing the mechanical equipment. The other enclosure is <br />located near the back of car wash tunnel entrance and will enclose vacuum mechanical <br />equipment only. The fully enclosed buildings will be constructed of materials consistent with <br />the building design (i.e. brick and limestone) on all four elevations and meet setback <br />requirements. <br /> <br />The Applicant provided roof plans and associated building sections to illustrate all roof-mounted <br />mechanical equipment is screened by parapet walls ranging from 3 feet to 7 feet. It is also noted <br />in the narrative that no exterior at grade mechanical equipment is proposed besides the <br />mechanical equipment for the vacuums which will be fully enclosed. <br /> <br />Under Section 1325.04, Subd, 2 applicable to drive-thru facilities, the City requires a suitable <br />screening fence shall be erected along all property lines except those which are also public right- <br />of-way lines. Said fence shall be of a type and design approved by the Council. Planting of a type <br />approved by the Council may also be required in addition to or in lieu of fencing. There is an <br />existing wood fence along the south and west property lines. The Applicant as part of this
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