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12-06-23 PC Minutes
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Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2023
12-06-23 PC Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – December 6, 2023 10 <br /> <br />there may be concerns if this development moves to six or ten units per acre. He asked how many <br />large multi-family apartment buildings were being added to the development. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Jagoe stated the JDA and the developer have not worked <br />out that breakdown of units. She explained the developer has tried to identify in the southwest <br />area as being a potential location for multi-family residential units, but the renderings do not <br />identify specific buildings at this point. <br /> <br />Chair Vijums commented there were two designated areas proposed for additional density (NR- <br />3 and NR-4). He inquired how many residential units could be added based on the City’s current <br />zoning definitions. He questioned why 500 was the number. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Jagoe clarified for the Commission that under Attachment <br />1, the blue table was articulating how the City got to 1,460 and any variation would trigger an <br />amendment to the TRC. She stated there was no scenario where the City could modify the <br />ranges. She indicated the TRC has language that does provide for a greater range than what is <br />being seen, but that could only be achieved by going before the Planning Commission and City <br />Council. <br /> <br />Chair Vijums stated he would like to understand what the development would look like if NR-3 <br />and NR-4 were not changed and the development was allowed to come to fruition. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Jagoe explained without doing any amendments, the <br />density would remain at 1,460 as shown in the blue table. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bjorklund reported after doing the math, the 1,460 plan would have <br />approximately nine units per acre and the 1,960 plan would have 10 units per acre. <br /> <br />Chair Vijums suggested the Commission take a look at the definitions for NR-3 and NR-4 to see <br />if there was support for the changes to each district. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bjorklund thanked staff for the visuals that were provided that showed the <br />different densities within the neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Commissioner Collins stated he lived in Arden Hills because of the schools. He appreciated the <br />current focus on affordable housing within this development. He explained his gateway to get <br />into the schools was to find affordable housing and that was multi-family housing. He reported <br />he appreciated focus within NR-3 and NR-4 as they provided various pathways to home <br />ownership. He stated multi-family serves a need and the proposed code amendment expands the <br />opportunities for multi-family. He believed the proposed districts would not differ from what <br />was occurring in communities surrounding Arden Hills. He reported he supported the proposed <br />changes. <br /> <br />Commissioner Weber explained the districts may not be different, but he did not believe this <br />would be a typical development. He was of the opinion TCAAP would be unique because it was <br />all inclusive. <br />
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