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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 10, 2001 9 <br /> . He noted that with respect to keeping the fence 10 feet off the boundary, it would not work with <br /> the plan. He added it would require them to push the snow off into the street, which they would <br /> not want to do. He stated it would not be appropriate. He noted that when it is appropriate they <br /> would need to move snow off this site and they are aware of that. <br /> He added that with respect to hedges 8 to 10 feet, the trees would grow faster than the hedge with <br /> the number of trees they have planned. He stated the ramp that Mr. Ristow talked about was part <br /> of the concept plan. He noted they were going to have grass pavers. He added they would be <br /> concrete with grass growing up between it. He stated it will not be a paved surface. He noted <br /> there would be a catch basin at the bottom to catch the water that runs down it. He added it was <br /> going to be used occasionally for private use. <br /> He stated they would use the basement for storage. He noted they are placing trees to the east so <br /> that they would not have to trim the neighbor's trees. He added that at the time of the preliminary <br /> concept plan, they did meet with all three of the neighbors. He stated they are talking about a <br /> quality development. He noted that hopefully they would provide a nice attractive building at the <br /> entrance to the community. <br /> Councilmember Larson asked about the fence. Mr. Nelson responded that on the north side there <br /> is a fence and all the trees. He stated Mr. Ristow had asked the landscape architect to have a <br /> . green hedge in that comer. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated setbacks has come several times, but in the presentation it appeared <br /> there were no setback issues. Mr. Parrish responded there are no building setbacks or deviations <br /> being requested. He stated there is a parking lot setback of 17 and 18 feet from Country Road D <br /> and Cleveland A venue, when 20 feet is required. He noted the neighborhood business zoning <br /> district has a buffer yard requirement of 30 feet. He added it is met on the east side, but not on <br /> the north side. He stated it is 14 feet to the north or one half of the requirement. He noted that is <br /> measured from the edge of the parking lot. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked if the fence is designed to mitigate the fact that there is a smaller <br /> buffer yard. Mr. Parrish responded that was an accommodation made. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked about the second fence. Mr. Nelson responded there is a dilapidated <br /> fence that would be removed. He stated that in the discussion with the landscape architect, the <br /> architect indicated that a six-foot fence is a standard fence. He noted to increase it to a eight foot <br /> fence would be to almost double the cost. He added that an eight-foot fence is an ugly fence. He <br /> stated there is more screening by trees than by the eight-foot fence. He noted if they have <br /> straight-line winds as they did before, it would blow the fence down. He added they went through <br /> this discussion on the sideline setback with the concept plan. He stated everyone wanted parking <br /> on the west side of the building to buffer Mr. Ristow since his home is very close. He noted the <br /> sidewalk there is a fire exit out of the north side of the building. He added they had to have two <br /> . exits from the second floor. He stated the sidewalk would be used for the fire exit. <br /> Councilmember Larson stated that after listening to the presentations and knowing the history of <br /> this property, he is prepared to support the proposal. He noted they have a design that is as <br />