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<br />Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting, January 25, 1988 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />KEM MILLING (CONT'D) Winiecki questioned if the testing to be performed would <br />be c-ensidered ,,:~.part of-the semi-annual tests performed. <br />~..vy.."..')_,...i,_\: .' -":'. <br />Liefert stated that is correct; these tests will prove the plant is in compliance <br />and be used to draft the permit conditions. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Hansen stated it is her opinion that the matter has now taken <br />direction toward solving the odor emission problems; she asked for Council <br />suggestions or comments. <br /> <br />Councilmember Sather referred to the letter from Attorney Lynden, 1-23-88, <br />outlining several alternatives toward resolution of this matter for Council <br />consideration; Sather agreed with alternative #3, page 4 of Lynden's letter, <br />which suggested the enactment of an Ordinance Regulating Offensive Uses, similar <br />to the City of New Brighton's. He explained he had discussed thia matter with <br />Councilmember Peck, who is absent this evening, and Peck agreed. <br /> <br />Attorney Lynden suggested that alternative #4 be included; Council confer and <br />enter into a more comprehensive joint powers agreement with the City of New <br />Brighton to regulate the three rendering plants, and the document should be <br />harmonious with the regulations that will be forthcoming from the MPCA. <br /> <br />Sather moved, seconded by Winiecki, that the Council, <br />Attorney Lynden, and Clerk Administrator arrange for constructive discussions <br />with New Brighton and representatives from Kem Milling to create some type of <br />joint regulatory document that could be directed to the Council for discussion <br />and which would be harmonious with the MPCA regulations outlined in the MPCA <br />permit for operation of the three rendering plants. (3-0) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Dodie Kostichek questioned if the Clean Air Committee could be included in the <br />document discussions. <br /> <br />Council pointed out that if an Ordinance is enacted, there will be two public <br />readings and at that time the Clean Air Comittee could review the document and <br />make suggestions. <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Hansen thanked the MPCA representatives, Kem Milling, the Attorney, <br />and residents for attending the meeting and for their concern. <br /> <br />Mr. Freed questioned if the Council had given thought to redevelopment of the <br />rendering plant area in Arden Hills and New Brighton. <br /> <br />Hansen stated that it has been considered and discussed with New Brighton. <br /> <br />REZONING; MN/DOT <br />TRUCK STA. SITE <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />collective opinion <br />Council initiate a <br /> <br />Council was referred to a letter from Planner Bergly, <br />1-19-88, advising that the Attorney, Zoning Administrator <br />and Bergly, after investigation and study, are of the <br />the truck station site should be rezoned and recommended <br />Rezoning of the MnDot property located on County Road I. <br /> <br />Councilmember Winiecki stated that if the Rezoning is initiated it would <br />eliminate one of the variances requested; it was her opinion that the the whole <br />area should be zoned I-2, as the use is clearly industrial in nature. Winiecki <br />also advised that this is obviously a long term use for the site and the request <br />is logical. <br /> <br />The Clerk Administrator agreed with Winiecki. <br /> <br />Hansen questioned if a rezoning could be accomplished with only three Council <br />votes; it was determined that four Council votes would be required. <br /> <br />Sather moved, seconded by Winiecki, that Council continue <br />the request for Council initiation of rezoning on the MnDot Truck Station site to <br />the Regular Council Meeting of February 8, 1988, in order to accomplish the <br />necessary votes for approyal of the request. Motion carried unanimously. (3-0) <br /> <br />AWARD BID; RECYCLING <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />recycling program be <br />$1,638.00 <br /> <br />Council was referrred to a memorandum from the Clerk <br />Administrator, 1-22-88, recommending the bid for the <br />awarded to Supercycle, Inc., for bi-weekly pickup at <br /> <br />Paul Malone was present and explained the bid would be awarded subject to <br />approval of the agreement between Ramsey County and the City of Arden Hills for a <br />recycling grant; also he advised that the contract period should begin March 1st <br />and extend through December 31, 1988. <br />