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<br />Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting, January 25, 1988 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />KEM MILLING (CONT'D) 4. What time frame is there for compliance with MPCA <br />rules and regulations? Liefert advised the MPCA will <br />expect Gordon Rendering to be in compliance and a permit issued by June 1, 1988. <br />He stated they will have to agree to the type of testing to be done at the plant <br />and begin promptly; if good test data results are received from all three plants, <br />MPCA should be able to determine what will be necessary in the permits and get <br />them written, as MPCA is aware of the citizen concerns with the upcoming summer. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />5. What method will MPCA pursue to ensure compliance on an on-going basis7 <br />Liefert stated that the MPCA will ensure continuous compliance by requiring <br />source emission tests semi-annually with additional testing as necessary, if <br />needed to resolve any disputes of non-compliance. Liefert knows that semi-annual <br />testing is required, if something arises between those test periods and the MPCA <br />determines there is no violation of the rule,the MPCA will be able to go in and <br />'make another test. The MPCA will also coordinate unscheduled inspections and <br />complaint inspections with the City staff. <br /> <br />6. What specific testing programs will be required? Liefert stated the MPCA <br />will specifically require Gordon Rendering to conduct odor emission tests on all <br />control equipment exhausts while operating at maximum production rates and <br />temperatures. Whatever conditions are recorded for production and control <br />equipment will be used to write the permit. The odor tests will be conducted in <br />accordance with Minn. Rules part 70050930 with MPCA staff present to record <br />conditions. Observance of these tests will be coordinated with City staff; <br />Liefert assumed that would be Mr. Fridgen. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Liefert explained that if the plant wanted to run a half load in the cooker, over <br />a longer period of time, at half temperature, conditions on the scrubber, that <br />recorded data would be written into the permit. <br /> <br />7. What long range plan will the MPCA haye to assure consistent compliance? <br />Liefert advised that the MPCA will issue an Air Emission Facility Permit to <br />Gordon Rendering which could be revoked if consistent compliance is lacking over <br />the long range. However, revocation of the permit would only occur after <br />attempting to resolve the odor problem through improved control equipment or <br />other mechanical changes to the facility (i.e. raising the stack height). Strict <br />enforcement of the permit conditions will be done during the permit life by MPCA <br />staff and City Staff. <br /> <br />A member of the audience questioned if there was a time limit for the plant to <br />meet the requirements and improve their equipment. <br /> <br />Scott Parr adVised that those types of conditions would be negotiated in any <br />stipulation agreements or enforcement actions taken by MPCA; consideration would <br />be given for the company to order additional equipment, installation of new <br />equipment and a reasonable time period would be set. Liefert advised that the . <br />permits currently issued include a time period for construction compliance; if a <br />problem is identified, relative to equipment or method of processing, the permit <br />is still issued with a time period specified for bringing equipment or method of <br />processing into compliance. <br /> <br />Mr. Freed, member of the Clean Air Committee, questioned if incineration would be <br />required unless something equal to or better than was provided. <br /> <br />Liefert stated incineration would be required if necessary; if existing equipment <br />is not adequate. He stated at this time the MPCA would prefer waiting until tests <br />have been completed to determine if the equipment is not adequate or if it has <br />not been run properly. Scott Pahr stated that raising the stacks may solve the <br />problem; MPCA would rather investigate all possible avenues before requiring an <br />incinerator~ <br /> <br />Councilmember Winiecki questioned if all of the testing that will be a part of <br />the permit and the kind of benchmarks that will be adhered to will go on prior to <br />the June 1, 1988 deadline. <br /> <br />Liefert stated that is correct; testing will be performed with plant production <br />as it will operate, and permit will limit the plant to operating under conditions <br />at which it complies with MPCA standards. Liefert explained if the plant decided .~ <br />to operate under different conditions than those specified, they would have to <br />apply for an amendment to the permit and the tests would be performed again to <br />insure compliance. <br />