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<br /> , <br /> . <br /> . <br /> I ' . AGREEMENT FOR RECOIIISTRDCTION OF GLEllRILL ROAD <br /> FROH SNELLING FROIITAGE ROAD to IWlLIIIE AVENUE <br /> . ROSEVILLE CITY PIlOJECT 1110. P-ST-86-28 <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY PROJECT 1110. P-ST-87-01 <br /> ,-. <br /> ~, \.'1 i-.. /( I. . .N..-J ,i <br /> I ' ._ ';'u"'._ ""'. ""_.' ...~. ".,- ~ :r.-. <br /> , ' <br /> This agreemet by IIIId between the City ot Roseville, M1nnesota, a lIII1Ilicipal <br /> oorporation, el'"e III~ atter reterred to as wRosevillew, IIIId the City ot Arden <br /> Hilla, M1nnesota, a lIUIlicipal oorporation, h~n _J after reterred to as wArden <br /> Rillaw witness: ..),.Vi_d;,,~.l.,tr, ,,' <br /> WHEREAS, it ia considered mutually desirable to reconstruct GleDhill Road trom <br /> Snelling Frontage Road to Ramline Avenue; IIIId <br /> WHEREAS, a portion ot this roadway lies within each ot the two municipal <br /> Juriedictions of Roseville and Arden Rilla; and <br /> WHEREAS, the cities of Roseville aod Arden Rills will participate in the oost <br /> ot Hid improvement as herein set torth; and <br /> 1II0W THEREFORE BE IT AGREED AS FOLLOWS: <br /> 1. Roseville shall perform the necessary surveys, prepare the necessary <br /> plans, specitications, and proposals, and shall pertorm the engineering <br /> inspeotion and administration of the projeot required to complete the <br /> items ot worle. <br /> . 2. The advertising tor the projeot and receipt aod award of the bids shall <br /> be done by the City of Roseville in behalt ot both oities. Said receipt <br /> of bid is ourrently programmed to ocour on April 7, 1987. The City of <br /> Roseville shall review said bids tor oonformanoe to speoifications and <br /> act to award the contract to the lowest, qualified bidder in behalf of <br /> both oommunities. <br /> 3. The contract oost resulting trom the above bidding process shall be <br /> based on the units of worle performed in accordance with said contract, <br /> shall constitute the actual wConstruction CostW and shall be so <br /> referred to here and after. <br /> .... ~J~c~'f~ ' its own forces IIIId equipment shall administer the project <br /> and review and make payments on a reasonable and timely bas1.a to the <br /> oontractor as portions of the .Construction CostW are accompliahed. <br /> After the worle ia completed, tin aity will prepare a mylar as-built of <br /> the project and supply a copy to ~~ City of Arden Hills. <br /> /' ~~} ~----." f; <br /> 5. '--- ,~. il ~'-~.' -,,' , <br /> Based on the feasibility study, the total ooat of both the engineering <br /> items listed above and the wConstruotion CoatW are epprO%imately $82,000. <br /> If the bids when received indicate that the total ooat of the project <br /> would exceed this amount by IIOre than 20S, the project would not be <br /> approved by the City of Roseville in behalf of both oommunities until <br /> the matter 1.s returned to the City ot Arden Rills whereby they would be <br /> . shen the opportunity to indicate whether they wiah to terminate the <br /> projeot. Suoh a decision IlIlst be given in writing to Roseville within <br /> a 30 day period ot notification of the bida. <br />