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<br /> I <br /> ... <br /> ,.-... <br /> Pa&e 2 <br /> Glenhill Igreelllent <br /> . 6. lrden Bills and Roseville agree to share the oosts of both tba <br /> .ConstMlotion Cost. and all of the above IIlentioned engineeriDg <br /> 8%penses. lrden Bills agrees to pay 46J of tbe total oost of the <br /> project, and Roseville agrees to pay the remainiDg 5"J of tbe <br /> total ooat of tbe project. <br /> T. lrdan Bills agrees to pay its ahare of tbe oosts based on tbe above <br /> referenoed feasibility study estimate within 60 calendar daya of the <br /> receipt of tbe request for said payment. Said request would follow <br /> tbe award of tbe oontract by tbe City of Roseville. In tbe event <br /> lrden Bills chooses to delay payment beyond the 60 day period, 1lltereat <br /> would be charged at the rate of 7.5J per annum from the date of the <br /> invoice to lrden Bills until the Payment is received by Rosev!lle. <br /> ~rden Bills agrees that in no event shall tbe payment of the full <br /> lUlOunt be delayed beyond July 1, 1988. <br /> 8. When all oosts of the project includiDg the .ConstMlction Costs., <br /> eng1DeeriDg costs, and other oosts are fiDal and known, Roseville vill <br /> notify Arden Bills of tbis amount. Based on tbe participation <br /> percentages by each oommunity agreed upon in Item 6 above, lrden Billa <br /> would either be reimbursed within 60 days for tbe amount of over <br /> payment if said ahould be the case, or notified of the amount of under <br /> pa,.ent if said sbould be the case. Said underpsyment likewise be1llg <br /> payable to Roseville vi thin 60 days. Such a settlement based on <br /> . the differential between tbe estimated oosts and actual oosts being <br /> applicable only if Arden Billa had previously submitted ita share of <br /> the costs to Roaeville. If said prior payments had not been done by <br /> that time, then the Arden Bills share of actual oosts vould be the <br /> figure used for the caloulation of 7.5J annual interest payments. <br /> II WITJlESS WHEREOF, tbe parties bave bereunto &tfued their signatures. <br /> 'CITY OF ROSEVILLE CITY OF ARDEIl HILLS <br /> By By <br /> Its Its <br /> Date Date <br /> By BY. <br /> Ita Ita <br /> '.'. Date Date <br /> i ----.- <br />