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CCP 09-28-1987
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CCP 09-28-1987
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<br /> --- <br />Minutes of Special Council/Finance Committee Meeting, September 17 <br />Page 2 . <br />Committee asked Buckley. if he had to choose between the two pieces of <br />equipment, which was most essential. The mower was Buckley's choice, for <br />reasons previously stated. <br />Committee recommended the cost of the truck be removed from 1988 proposed <br />budget, and $500 added to Revenue for trade-in value of the old mower. It was <br />also recommended that the mower be budgeted at $16,500, rather than $17,500, <br />and Buckley attempt to obtain it at that lower figure. <br />Committee questioned increase in account 109. Park Salaries. Buckley is <br />requesting 4 part time employees, instead of 3, for the summer of 1988. because <br />of the increased park area and equipment to be maintained, increased work in <br />trail maintenance, and increased work with the completion of Ham1ine Ave and <br />Lexington Ave. reconstruction (mowing boulevards and intersection areas). <br />Erickson asked if residents weren't supposed to maintain boulevards in front of <br />their was explained that much of Hamline Avenue and Lexington does <br />not have homes fronting on the streets. <br />The increase in code 228 (maintenance of parks and playgrounds) was prompted by <br />increased cost of maintenance supplies and need for more of these with <br />increased parks and equipment. <br />Employer Paid Health Insurance (all accounts) - 3,475 <br />At this point, the Committee digressed to discuss the increase in code 130, . <br />Employer Paid Health Insurance throughout the budget. McNiesh explained that. <br />in preparation of this budget, she had added a 15% increase in the City's <br />contribution toward the cost of health insurance, beginning in July of 1988. <br />She added that the City currently pays $195 toward the total cost of health <br />insurance for each employee; charges for health insurance increased 17% this <br />year and are expected to increase another 15% next year; based on this, there <br />is a strong possibility, in her opinion, that upcoming union negotiations for <br />the 1988 contract may result in an increase in the City's contribution to the <br />total cost of health insurance for employees. In response to query, !fan <br />employee currently carries family health and dental coverage, his out-of-pocket <br />expense is a minimum of $46.50. Delete 15% increase, which Committee estimated <br />at $2,000. Actual calculations, including deleted finance employee, delete <br />$3,475. <br />Shade Tree Disease Control - 2,800 <br />It was explained that the principal cost to the City in this account is in <br />salaries; all costs for actual tree removal are reimbursed by property owners <br />to the City. Removal of trees from public property (code 407) costs could not <br />be eliminated. The number of diseased trees identified has been decreasing <br />year by year, partly because fewer elms remain in the City, and partly because <br />this sanitation program has been successful. <br />In response to Committee query as to whether the program could be discontinued <br />except for responding to. citizen requests, Buckley stated that if this were <br />done, there probably would be many dead trees standing in the City; felt the <br />City's contracting with a tree removal service resulted in a lower cost for . <br />tree removal to citizens; added trees are one of Arden Hills' biggest <br />resources; the City is known throughout the metropolitan area for its beauty <br />
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