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<br /> Minutes of Special Council/Finance Committee Meeting, September 17
<br />. Page 3
<br /> and tress. New Brighton, Mounds View, and Roseville have a program similar to
<br /> Arden Hills'; Shoreview removes trees from public property only and responds to
<br /> citizens' complaints.
<br /> Noting that the tree inspector is a full time parks employee, whose salary is a
<br /> part of the levy regardless of where the time is charged, Erickson asked if a
<br /> savings could result if his time in this area was switched to park maintenance,
<br /> and one of the part time employees deleted, and someone outside hired to
<br /> respond only to citizen concerns with their trees. Buckley replied this could
<br /> be done, but we would not get the service we do now, since Dave is around all
<br /> the time when calls come in. Steele noted that trees are spoken of as a
<br /> renewable resource, however, not in one person's lifetime; are extremely
<br /> valuable, does not think homeowners can be depended upon to call for assistance
<br /> when a tree is diseased, prefer the program not become more expensive, but
<br /> would not like to see it cut. McNiesh asked that the actual amount of time
<br /> Winkel spends on the program be accurately recorded, so we know exactly what
<br /> the program costs. Erickson stated he saw this as a program that was necessary
<br /> in 1981. but City is now at the point where we could accomplish as much by
<br /> going to a "pay as you go" inspection service.
<br /> Motion was made by Menze, seconded by Nesset, that the program be left as
<br /> budgeted. Motion failed (Menze, Nesset in favor, Erickson, McNiesh,
<br /> Mertensotto, Rautio, Shad, Stafford, Steele opposed). Motion was made by
<br /> Steele, seconded by McNiesh, that the program be cut back to $15,500. Motion
<br />. was withdrawn by Steele and seconder McNiesh. Motion was made by Nesset,
<br /> seconded by Mertensotto, that the additional summer employee in Parks
<br /> Maintenance budget be deleted, and Winkel be "spread a little thinner". Motion
<br /> carried; Erickson, McNiesh, Mertensotto, Nesset, Rautio, Shah, Stafford, Steele
<br /> in favor, Menze opposed.
<br /> Self Sustainin~ Recreation (p. 49, 50) Rev. +$2,000 Exp. -10,200
<br /> The budget suggests adding a half-time Program Director to assist in
<br /> administering the present program, and additional programs that seem to be
<br /> desired by residents. Committee had asked for comparison of program fees with
<br /> neighboring communities. and consideration for increase in fees; Buckley's
<br /> comparison shows Arden Hills fees all at a level with, or higher, than those of
<br /> neighboring communities. Erickson maintained that baseball teams (which pay
<br /> $50 more in Arden Hills than any where else) are usually sponsored by
<br /> corporations who do not care what the fee may be. Councilman Sather pointed
<br /> out that he, as a corporate sponsor, is concerned about the fee; is an
<br /> important consideration when sponsoring a team. Buckley added that in order to
<br /> charge fees such as this or higher, a well-maintained, adequate field needs to
<br /> be provided; Arden Hills' fields are well-maintained, but are not fenced and
<br /> not as large as those of surrounding communities; feels the fee is as high as
<br /> the traffic can bear. It was asked if many of the teams are non-resident;
<br /> Buckley replied they are mostly sponsored by resident companies and their
<br /> employees are the players.
<br /> Buckley added that the hockey, soccer and baseball associations are now
<br />. completely parent-sponsored and operated. These associations are asking now
<br /> for more and more help in maintaining the programs; feels that if some help in
<br /> scheduling and organization is not given, the parents could conceivably turn
<br /> them back to the cities, which would result in highly increased work load. The
<br /> requested additional program director would help in this area as well.
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