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<br />Minutes of Special Council/Finance Committee Meeting, September 17
<br />Page 6
<br />fund. Committee asked if this $17,000 could be carried as revenue into the .
<br />1988 budget, and used to pay for the Pavement Management Plan. Mayor Woodburn
<br />discussed the budgeting philosophy of not carrying OVer unexpended funds, but
<br />putting them into General Fund reserves.
<br />Motion was made by Rautio, seconded by Nesset, that $6,350 be deleted in code
<br />381, and Phase I of the street lighting plan not be implemented in 1988. Paul
<br />Malone, who had chaired the Street Lighting Subcommittee as part of the Public
<br />Safety/Works Committee, stated that the residents have been told during the
<br />past year, whenever they inquired about street lights, that this plan was going
<br />into effect in 1988 and their request would be considered at that time. Motion
<br />carried, Shah opposed.
<br />Storm Sewers (p. 34, 35) Exp. -2,000
<br />Committee questioned larger amount budgeted in code 303, Engineering Fees. The
<br />fees this year covered reconstruction of the Glenview storm sewer...any
<br />engineering done on streets that is not included in a special project (such as
<br />Hamline Avenue reconstruction). Committee also questioned code 437, Other
<br />Miscellaneous Expenses. Raddatz explained that this covers expenses in cleaning
<br />out the sewers. He explained that sediment has been building up in the pipes,
<br />plus they plan to clean up the outflow areas as well. Costs are for concrete
<br />block, catch basins, pipe, discharge covers, etc.
<br />Committee concurred to reduce the budgeted amount for code 437 by $2,000.
<br />Committee discussed the 509 Surface Water Management Plan previously .
<br />described, Motion was made by Nesset, seconded by Rautio, that $20,000 be
<br />added to the budget to finance this plan at a minimal level. Motion carried
<br />unanimously. Investigation of the deadline for completion of this plan
<br />revealed it to be October, 1989. Motion was made by McNiesh, seconded by
<br />Rautio, that the $20,000 be stricken from the budget in 1988. Motion carried
<br />unanimously.
<br />Water Utility (p. 63, 64)
<br />Raddatz stated that he had budgeted for replacement of the water van. He
<br />proposes now to delay this purchase until 1989; at that time he would like to
<br />purchase a larger cargo or step van (which would cost $25,000) in order to be
<br />able to carry more equipment and supplies. (This change does not affect the
<br />levy) .
<br />Sewer Utility (p. '65, 66)
<br />Motion was made by McNiesh, seconded by Rautio, that since the new jetter,
<br />budgeted at $34,980 in 1987 and $31,800 in 1988, will be delivered well before
<br />the end of 1987, the entire balance be paid in 1987. Motion carried
<br />unanimously. (This also does not affect the levy, since these are enterprise
<br />funds) .
<br /> Review of Administrative Accounts
<br />Administrative Office Exp. -27,145
<br /> + 3,500 .
<br />Funds are budgeted for the addition of a Chief Financial Officer, at a total
<br />cost of $35,000 ($28,000 to be charged to this account, the remainder to the
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