<br />,
<br /> Minutes of Special Council/Finance Committee Meeting, September 17
<br /> Page 5
<br />. Streets (p. 32, 33) Exp. -$8,850
<br /> + 60,000
<br /> $18,000 is budgeted in 1988 for code 224 (Sand, Salt, Road Mix). Committee
<br /> questioned if this amount was necessary, since this much was purchased in 1987
<br /> and very little used in that mild winter. Raddatz stated that this includes,
<br /> as well as sand and salt mix, hot mix for patching and all other types of road
<br /> mix. The City in the past has not patched cracks, but he is planning to do
<br /> some of this. Some of the material will also be used in executing the plans of
<br /> the Pavement Management Study. McNiesh asked if some dollars should not then
<br /> be moved to this project; Raddatz agreed that $2,500 would probably be used in
<br /> this way, and could be deleted from this code. Some of the materials was used
<br /> in mudjacking of the curbs also, approximately $1,500 to $1,600.
<br /> Committee asked if the $40,000 budgeted in 1988 for sea1coating was part of the
<br /> Pavement Management Plan and included in the $60,000 recommended for execution
<br /> of this plan. Raddatz replied that the streets which would be seal coated would
<br /> be those recommended for sealcoating in the plan, but the cost is in addition
<br /> to the $60,000. All of the $60,000 would be used for overlay. He would like
<br /> to keep $40,000 in sealcoating this year. If it is decided not to budget for
<br /> the Pavement Management Plan, he would then use $30,000 for sealcoating and
<br /> $10,000 for raising curbs, fixing ditches, etc. on the streets which are
<br /> seal coated.
<br />. In discussion of the total cost of the Pavement Management Plan, McNiesh
<br /> pointed out that much of the $1,600,000 will be assessable to property owners,
<br /> to some extent, in cases where the streets are completely reconstructed
<br /> ($933,357). Whether overlay Can be assessed to any degree is not known; staff
<br /> will research this (total cost of all overlay recommended in plan -
<br /> $592,155.84. Total cost of sealcoating recommended is $131,651.75, now
<br /> budgeted over a period of four years (assuming $40,000 per year). Committee
<br /> asked if the amount budgeted for overlay this year would be "keeping up" with
<br /> street deterioration...Raddatz stated that it would. It was recommended by the
<br /> engineers that the plan be executed over a ten year period.
<br /> It was moved by Steele, seconded by McNiesh, that the Pavement Management Plan,
<br /> $60,000 be included in the 1988 proposed budget. Motion carried, Mertensotto
<br /> opposed. Discussion ensued as to methods of financing this study. McNiesh
<br /> pointed out that reconstruction of streets could be delayed; since they have
<br /> "already gone to pot". She added that interest earned by the PIR fund could
<br /> well be spent for projects like this. $84,200 estimated interest will be
<br /> earned by this fund in 1988, which would just about cover the $60,000 for this
<br /> and $25,000 for the 509 Surface Water Management Plan. Menze asked if the
<br /> $10,000 spent to develop the plan would be wasted if it was not begun this
<br /> year; Raddatz stated probably not; the plan is that every two years, it will be
<br /> updated by our employees walking each street of the city and updating the
<br /> computer program. If the plan is adopted, a line item will be added in the
<br /> Streets Budget.
<br /> $40,000 was budgeted for sealcoating in 1987, and in 1988; Raddatz stated that
<br />. no sealcoating had been done, since he wanted to wait for results from the
<br /> Pavement Management Study to utilize its recommendations, and it was not
<br /> completed before sealcoating could be accomplished for this year. A portion of
<br /> this was used to repair the Glenview Avenue storm sewer; $17,000 remains in
<br />