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PERSONAL TIME OFF SCHEDULE FOR EMPLOYEES HIRED AFTER JANUARY 1, <br />2020: <br />Completed Months of Service <br />0 — 36 months <br />37 months - 108 months <br />109 months — 168 months <br />169 months — 228 months <br />229 months or more <br />Personal Time <br />6 hours bi-weekly <br />7 hours bi-weekly <br />7.5 hours bi-weekly <br />8.5 hours bi-weekly <br />9 hours bi-weekly <br />Benefit year for Personal Time Off is March 1 t through February 28t". A maximum of 240 <br />hours of Personal Time Off may be carried over from benefit year to benefit year. <br />Carryover beyond 240 hours of Personal Time Off will only be made in accordance with <br />Section 21.3 or under special circumstances with approval from the City Administrator. <br />Any employee leaving the service of the City in good standing will be compensated 100% <br />for Personal Time Off up to 240 hours or amount allowed in Section 21.3 accrued to the <br />day of separation provided said employee has served at least twelve (12) consecutive <br />months prior to separation. Such pay for accumulated Personal Time Off will be at the <br />same rate as the hourly rate of the employee's base salary. Personal Time Off may not <br />be used to extend an employee's actual termination date. <br />When a paid holiday falls on a working day during an employee's Personal Time Off, the <br />day of the holiday will not be counted as a day of Personal Time Off. <br />One (1) day of Personal Time Off shall be equivalent to the regular number of hours in a <br />workday. <br />21.2 Personal Time Off may not be used by an employee until the end of the employee's <br />probationary period. <br />21.3 In unusual or extenuating circumstances in order to accomplish the work programs <br />of the EMPLOYER, the employee may be allowed to carry accrued, unused PTO <br />beyond two -hundred forty (240) hours into the next benefit year with the prior <br />approval of the Department Head. <br />21.4 All requests for PTO of five (5) or more consecutive work days shall be submitted by April <br />1st of each year, and posted for five (5) consecutive work days. In case of any conflict for <br />a preferred PTO period(s), the senior employee will be given preference. Any PTO <br />requests of less than five (5) consecutive work days that are submitted more than four (4) <br />weeks in advance shall be posted for three (3) work days. Any conflicts in scheduling shall <br />be resolved by seniority. Any PTO requests which are not posted shall be considered on <br />a "first come, first served" basis. <br />ARTICLE XXII — GROUP INSURANCE <br />22.1 Effective January 1, 20132024, the EMPLOYER will contribute $1,284.00the same <br />deflarper month GORtrib t'GR as onfAr nr�n_i in inn employe to the Operating Engineers, <br />Local 49 Health and Welfare Administrators for Group Health and Dental Insurance. Thy-dellaamount will be equivalent te the dollar amount reGeived by non unien employees on a family <br />ins iranGe plane as long as, the <br />10 <br />